Renewable Energy (AKA Alternative Energy) was here before any living thing on Planet Earth. Call it a gift from nature (and we should never look a gift-horse in the mouth), these free energy sources come in many flavors and are ours to use, thanks to the skyrocketing cost of fossil (carbon-based) fuels, both in economic and human terms, Renewable Energy's time has truly come. Where can we get 400 trillion watts of power, every second of every day? Why the sun, of course.  Myth Vs. Reality

Alternative Energy Types

Active Solar
Fusion ?
  • Active Solar
    Active Solar

    The sun can be used directly to heat water for pools, homes and industry, to provide space heating and to generate electricity. The sun's energy can also be used to distill water and cook food.

    Read the 7 myths about solar energy by clicking on the Active Solar icon now.

  • Hydrofg=gen Fuel Cells
    Where Have You Been So Long?

    Hydrogen is the simplest element. An atom of hydrogen consists of only one proton and one electron. It’s also the most plentiful element in the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally as a gas on the Earth – it’s always combined with other elements. Water, for example, is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O)..

  • Biomass
    How Biomass Works:

    From the US Dept. of Energy: Not what you expected when we talk about alternate fuel cars.

    Energy is stored in organic materials such as wood, grains and peat. Wood and peat are both burned to provide heat. Grains can be fermented into ethanol and used as a liquid fuel. Pelleting, a technology that transforms wood, grass or other fibrous materials into small pellets that can easily transported, and are beginning to compete favorably with fossil based fuels. Pellets, used in Europe, have yet to catch on in America.

  • “Fusion
    From Forbes Magazine: Fusion Confusion:

    Some say it’s the ‘Energy of the Future and always will be.’.

    But lately, there is more optimism that fusion will become a reality in the not-too-distant future.

  • Biomass
    The Skinny on Geo-thermal:

    Heat from the earth's core can be used to generate electricity. It can also be used directly (with heat pumps) to heat and cool buildings.

    Click the Geothermal icon to learn
    more about this renewable source.

  • Passive Solar
    Small Hydro
    Tidal Power
    Wind Power
    Wave Power
  • Passive Solar
    Passive Solar Defined:

    Passive solar energy is incorporated into energy efficient building and landscape design, e.g. window placement to heat retaining walls and floors.

    Click now for a Wikipedia
    definition of Passive Solar

  • “Small
    What is Small Hydro?

    Small hydro projects will generate power by using falling water at an average capacity of 20 megawatts or less. A 'run-of-the-river' project also uses falling water by directing water to the turbine using pipes, rather than dams.

  • “Tidal
    Wave or Tidal:

    The movement of waves and tides, particularly in shallow water, can be harnessed and converted to electricity.

    Thank you, Moon!

  • Wind Energy
    The Energy is
    Blowing in the Wind

    The energy from the wind can be harnessed by wind turbines and windmills to generate electricity and also to pump water.

  • Wave Power” width=
    Wave Energy - It Floats!

    Wave energy is as source of power that comes from the endless march of the waves as they roll into the shore then back out again.

    Humans harness this power along the coastal regions of the United States, Canada, Scotland, and Australia. Energy that comes from the waves in the ocean sounds like a boundless, harmless supply. But is it without its drawbacks?

  • The Experts

        • Ammonia Amigos             • Biomass Bigwigs             • Geothermal Gurus

    • Hydro Hawks            • Solar Smarties            • Tidal Toters             • Wind Wonks

    Solar Tax Incentives

    Alternative Energy (Renewable Energy, aka R/E)

    Including News on Solar, Hydrogen Power,
    Energy Storage HydroElectric and Tidal and Wave
    Energy Stories (published recently)

    • • Duke Energy’s New Solar and Storage Incentive Program
      More than 1,300
      Customers Have Enrolled


      July 22, 2024 -Duke Energy has enrolled more than 1,300 customers in North Carolina in its new PowerPair pilot, a one-time incentive-based program that offers up to $9,000 in incentives for residential customers who install a new solar plus battery system.

      The pilot program was approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) in January 2024 and launched in May 2024. The total incentive is based on the approved capacity of the solar array and battery installed.

    • • New Solar Industry Standards
      Aim is to Combat
      Unethical ‘Solar Bros’


      July 15, 2024 -The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is releasing two new industry standards for public comment to promote consumer protection in the U.S. solar and storage industry.

      The new standards are meant to ensure transparent, ethical solar sales practices and to raise the bar for safety and durability of rooftop solar and storage installations, SEIA said.

    • • China Leads the World in Renewable Energy Production
      China's Push Puts the Global Goal To Triple Renewable Capacity By the End of 2030 "Well Within Reach".


      July 11, 2024 -Nearly two-thirds of the world’s large wind and solar energy projects are in China, according to a new study by the Global Energy Monitor. China now has 339 gigawatts (GW) of renewable capacity under construction, including 159 GW of wind power and 180 GW of solar power.

      This figure is nearly twice as much as the rest of the world combined, significantly outpacing the second-placed United States, which is building a total of 40 GW.

    • • Training Workers for Green Jobs
      New NOAA Initiative Will Provide $60 Million in Funding


      July 10, 2024 -The city of Sarasota’s zoning code and comprehensive plan are embracing solar energy with updates aimed at regulating the construction of solar facilities.

      The Sarasota City Commission unanimously approved changes in the zoning code and the comprehensive plan that add solar utilities as future land use classification in certain zoning districts on first reading at its meeting Monday.

    • • Water Could Be the Future Of Fuel
      A New Generation of Fuels Could Power Planes and Ships Without Warming the Planet


      June 27, 2024 - The tangle of pipes at this industrial plant doesn’t stand out in this city built around the carbon-heavy business of pumping oil and refining it into fuel for planes, ships, trucks and cars.

      But this plant produces fuel from a different source, one that doesn’t belch greenhouse pollution: hydrogen. Specifically, hydrogen made from water using renewable electricity, also known as green hydrogen.

    • • Major Breakthrough in Perovskite Solar Cells
      Paves the Way
      for More Affordable Solar Power


      June 26, 2024 -Solar power is the fastest-growing energy technology — and by a wide margin. In 2023, more than twice as much new electricity generation from solar was added globally as from coal. In fact, according to a recent report, both solar and wind are growing faster than any other source of electricity in history.

      Much of this encouraging breakthrough in solar energy is thanks to silicon. This semiconductor comprises up to 95% of all solar panels across the world. However, manufacturing high-efficiency solar cells (over 25%) requires pure silicon that is heated to over 900 degrees Celsius to remove defects. It also has a fixed bandgap (range of light it can absorb) which is not ideal. But...

    • • Duke Energy ‘Failed’ to Consider Incentives
      That Would Cut Costs & Enable More Clean Energy
      From N.C.’s Ratepayer Advocate


      June 25, 2024 -Duke Energy’s plan to zero out its carbon pollution all but ignores a federal loan program that could save ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars and enable more clean energy, the state’s ratepayer advocate said in recent filings.

      And since the loans run out in September 2026, state Public Staff and clean energy advocates say time is running out for Duke to correct course.

    • • Origami Solar Establishes Domestic
      Supply Chain for Steel Solar Frames
      At Last: Made in America


      June 20, 2024 -Origami Solar, which has made headlines for challenging the industry standard with its patented steel solar module frames, has announced the finalization of an all-American supply chain involving three premier steel fabricators that promises to enable fulfillment by the first quarter of 2025.

      The three partnerships Origami announced today are with Wesler Profile of Valley City, Ohio, Priefert of Mt. Pleasant, Texas, and Unimacts of Houston, Texas.

    • • Midwest States Have Approved
      Hundreds of Renewable Energy Projects
      So Why Aren’t They Online?


      June 17, 2024 -Wisconsin’s Saratoga Solar Project appeared to have every box checked when state regulators issued their final approval of the 150-megawatt solar farm last spring.

      Wood County, where the project is set to be built, will garner $600,000 each year in state funding. Public comments showed residents were largely in support of the effort. And Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission had officially ruled that the project was “in the public’s interest,” greenlighting a plan that was expected to bring upwards of 400 jobs to the area.

    • • CPUC Sides with PG&E on Community Solar
      The Renewable Energy
      Industry Is Not Pleased


      May 31, 2024 -Community solar probably isn’t going to survive in California.

      On Thursday, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted on changes to its customer renewable energy subscription programs, known as Green Access Program tariffs. In a 3-1 decision, CPUC voted in favor of modifications to its community solar program that industry groups and developers are calling “shocking” and “disappointing” developments that “threaten to unravel California’s clean energy progress.”

    • • Scientists Achieve Over 1,000 Degrees C with Solar Power Alone
      With No Fossil Fuels - A game Changer for Heavy Industries?


      May 15 , 2024 -When you hear about solar energy, you immediately think of blue panels and clean electricity. However, electricity is just one type of energy. The sun’s energy also provides heat, which helps to keep average temperatures conducive to life. Now, Swiss scientists have harnessed solar power to generate temperatures exceeding 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,830 degrees Fahrenheit), a huge milestone in our quest to replace fossil fuels in energy-intensive industries.

      Temperatures over 1,400 degrees Celsius (2,500 degrees Fahrenheit) are required to melt iron ore in steel smithing and heat kilns in cement manufacturing. Typically, these high temperatures are produced by burning copious amounts of fossil fuels. But...

    • • The World Just Passed a Major Clean Energy Milestone
      These Charts Show It

      (CNN), May 8, 2024, -The world has passed a clean energy milestone, as a boom in wind and solar meant a record-breaking 30% of the world’s electricity was produced by renewables last year, new data shows.

      The planet is reaching “a crucial turning point” toward clean energy, according to the Global Electricity Review published Wednesday by climate think tank Ember. It predicts global fossil fuel generation will fall slightly in 2024, before experiencing much bigger declines in subsequent years.

    • • Weighing Floating Solar Panels Against New Dam Construction
      Floating Solar Could Negate the Need For Many—If Not All—Planned Dams in Africa, and While Adding Climate Change Resilience


      May 7, 2024 -Floating solar panels on existing hydropower reservoirs could, in the best-case scenario, make it unnecessary to construct any of the new hydropower dams currently planned in Africa, according to a new analysis. The study is among the first to analyze the potential for floating solar panels (or FPV, short for floating photovoltaics) at a continental scale.

      Population growth and economic development are predicted to triple Africa’s electricity demand by 2050. Meanwhile, hydropower generation has become less certain because of climate change-related droughts.

    • • Massachusetts Introduces Grid-Scale Battery Storage
      Its the First of Its Kind


      May 2, 2024 -The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC), the Commonwealth’s designated joint action agency for municipal utilities, and Lightshift Energy, an energy storage project developer, owner, and operator, announced a “first-in-kind” program for the industry to deploy the state’s first jointly implemented fleet of grid-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS).

      Lightshift will build up to 50 MW of BESS across MMWEC’s growing utility membership, which represents half of all the municipal utilities in the state, serving nearly 200,000 customers. Lightshift said the partnership could provide over $200 million in cost savings for municipal customers while enabling effective management of generation and load to help the Commonwealth reach its goals of net zero emissions by 2050.

    • • Duke Energy Unit Upgrades at Bad Creek Pumped Storage
      Adding 320 MW of Capacity


      Apr. 29, 2024 -Duke Energy recently completed upgrades to the four units at its 1,680 MW Bad Creek pumped storage plant in Salem, South Carolina, adding 320 MW of carbon-free energy to its system.

      Duke Energy said its goal is to ensure energy reliability for its customers as strong economic development successes and population growth power the Carolinas’ energy needs.

    • • DOE Announces AI Initiatives Enabling Cleaner Power Grid
      The Cleaner the Better


      Apr. 29, 2024 -AI will be a critical piece of the clean energy economy, according to a new report by the Department of Energy and its six national laboratories. Last year, President Biden issued an executive order calling for the agency to produce a public report “describing the potential for AI to improve planning, permitting, investment, and operations for electric grid infrastructure and to enable the provision of clean, affordable, reliable, resilient, and secure electric power to all Americans.”

      Researchers identified four priority use cases to organize their findings: grid planning, permitting and siting, operations and reliability, and resilience. They identified three specific challenge areas where AI/ML can surpass the performance of human teams: (1) streamlining the licensing and regulatory process; (2) accelerating deployment; and (3) facilitating unattended operation.

    • • Nevada Battery Storage System Now Online at Former Coal Site
      Will Provide 220
      MW/440 MWh of Power


      Apr. 28, 2024 -Grid-scale storage developer Energy Vault and NV Energy announced the completion and beginning of commercial operation of the Reid Gardner Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Moapa, Nevada.

      Built on the site of a decommissioned coal-fired electric generating facility, the the two-hour, 220 MW/440 MWh grid-tied battery system is charged and discharged on a daily basis and designed to dispatch stored renewable energy at peak consumption hours.

      The system, which is now being operated at full capacity by NV Energy, leverages Energy Vault’s integration platform and energy management system, Vault-OS.

    • • Too Many Rooftop Solar Panels?
      California's Unusual Problem


      Apr. 22, 2024 - In sunny California, solar panels are everywhere. They sit in dry, desert landscapes in the Central Valley and are scattered over rooftops in Los Angeles’s urban center. By last count, the state had nearly 47 gigawatts of solar power installed — enough to power 13.9 million homes and provide over a quarter of the Golden State’s electricity.

      But now, the state and its grid operator are grappling with a strange reality: There is so much solar on the grid that, on sunny spring days when there’s not as much demand, electricity prices go negative. Gigawatts of solar are “curtailed” — essentially, thrown away.

    • • Biden to Unveil $7 Billion for Rooftop Solar
      It Was Icluded
      in His Earth Day Message


      Apr. 22, 2024 - President Joe Biden on Monday will celebrate Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in grants for residential solar projects that will power nearly a million low-income households, the White House said.

      The announcement kicks off a week of activities aimed at touting the Biden administration's record on climate change.

    • • Is Hydropower Aging Out of the Clean Energy Race?
      The Original Carbon-Free Power Source is the Only Renewable Whose Share is Shrinking


      Apr. 14, 2024 -It all started so well. Within three years of the first hydropower project at an English inventor’s home in 1878, there was an electricity plant at Niagara Falls, and soon many more around the world. For most of the 20th century, hydroelectricity was the only carbon-free power source, eventually providing over 90% of the electricity for a dozen smaller countries.

      Even into the 21st century, hydro was helping us keep ahead of our climate budgets. In 2022, China’s dams alone generated 1300 terawatt hours of electricity—enough to power the entire world in 1950.

    • • Geothermal Energy is Now a More Versatile Power Source
      Newc Tech Makes That Possible

      AT Logo

      Apr. 13, 2024 -Glistening in the dry expanses of the Nevada desert is an unusual kind of power plant that harnesses energy not from the sun or wind, but from the Earth itself.

      Known as Project Red, it pumps water thousands of feet into the ground, down where rocks are hot enough to roast a turkey. Around the clock, the plant sucks the heated water back up to power generators. Since last November, this carbon-free, Earth-borne power has been flowing onto a local grid in Nevada.

    • • Solar Roofs for the Ancient City of Pompeii
      Undercover Solar Panels that Look Like Terracotta Tiles


      Apr. 7, 2024 -The Roman city of Pompeii is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world. It’s visited by millions of people who want to see the still intact elements of architecture from Roman times. But for all this, you need electricity and lighting. Conventional lighting systems are pretty expensive for such a large area and they also take away some of the charm of the site. So instead, the team managing the site is opting for a new solution: photovoltaic (PV) tiles that look just like the Roman ones.

      Click now to learn how the problem was addressed.

    Back Arrow

    Geothermal (GTh) News Stories in the Past Year

    • • D.C. is Hot for Geothermal
      Drill, Baby, Drill, But a Different Kind of Drilling

      (Heat Map News), Mar. 15, 2024, Senators Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, Mike Lee of Utah, and James Risch of Idaho have found themselves crossing party lines, working together on a bill to encourage more production of geothermal energy, which the unique contours of this area make (potentially) especially abundant.

      The Geothermal Energy Optimization Act, introduced last week, is a kind of test case for how a bipartisan energy policy could work.

    • • White House: Good-paying Clean Energy Jobs Are on the Rise
      Biden Administration Touts Climate Policy Investments and Achievements


      Mar. 12, 2024 -With November’s presidential election looming large, the Biden Administration is highlighting the successes of its climate policy. In a sprawling fact sheet, the White House says “President Biden has delivered on the most ambitious climate, conservation, and environmental justice agenda in history—taking bold action to reduce climate pollution across every sector of the economy, protecting more than 26 million acres of lands and waters, and restoring the vital role of science in guiding federal decision-making.”

      Click now to read on.

    • • Volcano Power? Who'd a Thunk It?
      Iceland Tunneling Into a Volcano to Tap Geothermal Energy


      Jan. 5, 2024 -An initiative that sounds a lot like Jules Verne‘s Journey to the Center of the Earth might mark the first time humans have tapped into magma, the molten rock liquid flowing beneath Earth’s crust. In 2026, Iceland’s Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) project will drill into a volcano’s magma chamber, seeking to tap into its super-hot fumes to generate geothermal energy at a scale that has never been attempted before.

      Click now for the whole story.

    • • A Geothermal Exclusive Program
      A Small Canadian Town's Experiment


      Dec. 14, 2023 -E2E Energy Solutions and the municipality of Rainbow Lake, Alberta are announcing what they call a first-of-its-kind pilot project meant to power and heat the community using only geothermal renewable energy sources by 2028.

      This project relies on E2E’s patent-pending Enhanced Geothermal Reservoir Recovery System (EGRRS)...

    • • Speakers Tout Geothermal in Closing Enlit Europe Session
      The 'Clarion' Call:
      “The Answer is Below Our Feet”


      Nov. 30, 2023 - Geothermal energy has been right under our nose, speakers at Enlit Europe say. Or perhaps more appropriately, under our feet.

      A diverse lineup of panelists made up the final session at the conference in Paris. The panel took an optimistic and forward-looking tone, with moderator Kristina Hagstrom-Ilievska comparing geothermal’s potential in the context of the climate crisis to the race to put the first man on the moon.

    • • New Google Geothermal Electricity Project
      It Could Be a
      Milestone For Clean Energy


      Nov. 28, 2023 - An advanced geothermal project has begun pumping carbon-free electricity onto the Nevada grid to power Google data centers there, Google announced Tuesday.

      Getting electrons onto the grid for the first time is a milestone many new energy companies never reach, said Tim Latimer, CEO and co-founder of Google’s geothermal partner in the project, Houston-based Fervo Energy.

      “I think it will be big and it will continue to vault geothermal into a lot more prominence than it has been,” Latimer said in an interview.

    • • Why is Geothermal Heating and Cooling So Expensive?
      We're Glad You Asked


      Nov. 9, 2023 -Here’s the deal about geothermal energy: Digging is expensive. It’s why most of our electricity and telephone wires are aboveground, even though this leaves us vulnerable during storms and wildfires.

      So to take advantage of the constant temperatures below the Earth’s surface, we need to figure out a way to make tunneling far cheaper.

    • • The Future of Energy
      Could it Be Pouring Water On Hot Rocks in the Ground?


      Sep. 13, 2023 -If you read about the energy industry in the ’00s and ’10s, you probably caught some excited, hopeful stories about geothermal, the renewable energy source that harnesses heat hundreds of meters below the earth’s surface. “Enhanced geothermal” — a novel approach in which fluids are poured deep underground, heat up, and then are recovered for their steam heat and used to generate electricity — got particular attention, because it promised a geothermal technique that could work most places on earth, not just in volcanic areas like Iceland or Indonesia.

      Click now for the whole story.

    • • Geothermal District Heat Pump Systems
      Assessing the Benefits and the Costs


      Sep. 5, 2023 -Geothermal District Systems can provide an efficient, cost-effective, carbon-free approach to heating one or more buildings.

      Before investing in a detailed engineering design study, however, a high-level benefits and costs analysis can be performed to assess how a geothermal heat pump system might compare to alternatives. As there are many potential ways to modernize energy systems to achieve net-zero emissions goals and reduce costs, an up-front estimate regarding which decarbonization projects are the best options from environmental, economic, social, and financial perspectives can avoid a potentially costly path forward.

    • • The Promise of Geothermal Power
      Techniques Developed by Big Oil May Lead to the Next Clean Energy Breakthrough


      Aug. 31, 2023 -Clean energy has become synonymous with wind and solar, and with good reason. Thanks to improved technology and declining costs, wind turbines and solar panels are producing a rapidly growing share of the world’s electricity.

      But there are many other sources of clean power that could provide abundant, emissions-free energy and help replace fossil fuels. This week, we took an in-depth look at one of those tantalizing technologies:geothermal power.

    • • Growing the Geothermal Energy Workforce
      1st Cohort in US
      DOE’s INTERN Program


      Aug. 22, 2023 -Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the first cohort of geothermal interns in the NSF INTERN program.

      Through this collaboration—the first activity coordinated under the NSF-DOE Memorandum of Understanding—a diverse group of 14 students will work with geothermal companies, national laboratories, or state agencies on projects that advance geothermal technologies. Work conducted under this new internship program will support the goals of DOE’s Enhanced Geothermal Shot™, which aims to bring enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) to Americans nationwide and reduce the cost of EGS by 90% by 2035.

    • • Eversource Begins Drilling on Massachusetts Geothermal Project
      It Will Connect 140 Customers Across Nearly 40 Buildings to Provide Sustainable Heating and Cooling


      Aug. 14, 2023 - Eversource started drilling this week on approximately 90 boreholes that are an essential component of its networked geothermal pilot program in Framingham, Massachusetts.

      Once completed, the energy company’s geothermal “loop” will connect 140 customers across nearly 40 buildings – including residential homes, a cabinet store, a fire station, Framingham Housing Authority buildings, and the community college – to provide a sustainable heating and cooling system regulated by the earth’s natural temperature.

    • • Startup Makes Breakthrough In Geothermal Power Technology
      It's a Clean Energy Source With Much Potential That Has Not Yet Been Exploited


      July 21, 2023 -A startup based in Texas has announced a key milestone in geothermal energy. This new technology could finally bring large-scale geothermal energy to the masses. The company, Fervo Energy, successfully completed a 30-day test at its pilot plant in Nevada. The team drilled 2.3 kilometers into the Earth’s surface in order to pump water and obtain clean energy reliably.

    • • A Different Way to Heat and Cool Your House
      They're Little-Known but Efficient


      July 13, 2023 -Summers are famously humid in New York State, but life in the Maioli household has gotten more comfortable since the couple installed a new heating and cooling system — one that isn’t well known yet in the U.S.

      “My wife is pretty happy because in the summer we can keep it to as cold as we like,” typically 69 or 70 F, said Joe Maioli, in Ontario, New York. In 2021, the couple installed a geothermal or ground source heat pump.

    • • Kenya is Helping its Neighbors Develop Geothermal Energy
      East Africa Has the Potential
      to Generate Much Electricity
      From This Renewable Source


      July 12, 2023 -The dusty town of Naivasha sits within the Great Rift Valley, where the African continent is being divided into two. About 90 kilometers northwest of Kenya’s capital city of Nairobi, Naivasha welcomes gaggles of tourists each year trekking to Hell’s Gate National Park.

      The forces that are splitting apart the African tectonic plate have sculpted the area’s steep cliffs, plummeting valleys and undulating hills — a rugged landscape that inspired the backdrop of Disney’s The Lion King.

    • • Africa’s Geothermal Hot Spot
      Kenya is Helping Its Neighbors
      Tap Into Earth’s Heat to
      Generate Renewable Energy


      June 22, 2023 -The country’s first geothermal well was drilled there in the 1950s. By 1981, Kenya had its first geothermal power plant, harnessing a renewable resource that taps into heat generated deep within the Earth. Today, Naivasha’s Olkaria geothermal power project plus a small facility at another site are capable of generating 963 megawatts of electricity when running at full power.

      At the end of last year, Kenya ranked seventh on the list of top geothermal energy countries in the world. Geothermal accounts for 47% of the country’s total energy production — a percentage that’s growing. The only other geothermal energy producer in Africa, Ethiopia, started production in 1998 and has an installed capacity of just 7.5 megawatts.

    • • Burning Man or a Burning Planet?
      Festival Organizers are Trying to Block Plans to Build a Clean Energy Plant in the Nevada Desert


      May 17, 2023 - In tiny Gerlach, just outside the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, residents have watched the Burning Man festival grow over the last 30 years to a spectacle of nearly 80,000 countercultural hippies and tech billionaires, offering an economic lifeline for the unincorporated town. Now, Burning Man and Gerlach are more tightly aligned, joining conservationists and a Native American tribe in an alliance against a powerful adversary: Ormat Technology, the largest geothermal power company in the country.

      Both Burning Man and Ormat share a vision for a greener future, yet neither can agree on the road to get there.

    • • Next-Gen Geothermal Firm Lands
      Investment From Unexpected Source
      It Has Secured a
      $10 million Investment From Oil and
      Gas Leader Devon Energy


      Apr. 19, 2023 -Fervo Energy is one of the first geothermal companies to drill and successfully complete a horizontal well pair for commercial geothermal production. It used technologies, skills, and processes that Devon uses for oil and gas production.

    • • Meet the Geothermal Champions
      Energy From Earth’s Crust Is Renewable and Clean. Here’s Where It’s Hot, and Where It’s Not


      Mar. 28, 2023 -There’s a lot to like about geothermal energy. It’s clean, it’s renewable and it generates electricity 24/7. It taps heat from Earth’s interior that, in theory, will last billions of years.

      Japan, is a country that sits atop the third-largest geothermal resources of any country by some measures. Chang W. Lee, a photojournalist at The Times produced an article about geothermal power and why it hasn’t taken off there.

    • Back Arrow

    Of Interest

    • • Wind and Solar Were EU’s Top Electricity Source in 2022
      2022 Was the First Time

      BCL Logo

      Jan 31, 2023 -Wind and solar supplied more of the EU’s electricity than any other power source for the first time ever in 2022, new analysis finds.

      They together provided a record one-fifth of the EU’s electricity in 2022 – a larger share than gas or nuclear, according to a report by the climate thinktank .

    • • The USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program
      Baker Hughes, Avports Reach Agreement

      SOLAR UNITED NEIGHBORS], Aug. 21, 2023 -The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) offers federal grants and loans to help farmers and rural small business owners go solar. REAP grants have helped thousands of these business owners across the country reduce their energy costs and improve their energy security with solar. Download our guide, Your Rural Business Can Go Solar: A Guide to Applying for a Rural Energy for America Program Grant, to learn more about how your business can go solar with REAP today.

    • • What Solar Panels Are Made Of
      It's Not a Simple Question


      July 3, 2023 -Most individuals are fine with just knowing that the panels are made of a special material that’s able to absorb and use the power of the sun, even storing it for use during periods when the sun isn’t shining, such as cloudy days and, of course, at night.

      But if you really want to know more about solar panels and the materials that are used to construct them, click now to learn more.

    • • Electrify Everything! - Part 1
      It’s Time Progressives Learned to Love the Green Building Boom


      May-June 2023 Issue *by Bill McKibben- The United States is on the brink of its most consequential transformation since the New Deal. Read more about what it takes to decarbonize the economy, and what stands in the way, here.

      Click now to learn more about these Microgrids.

    • • Electrify Everything - Part 2
      What if Walmart Turned Its Parking Lots Into Solar Farms?


      May-June 2023 Issue *by Michael Mechanic- The transition to clean power will require massive solar expansion—not just home rooftop arrays but photovoltaic installations near population centers. Where to mount all the panels? One answer seems obvious: over parking lots, which also bake during the summer, contributing to dangerous “heat island” effects. Shading Walmart Supercenter lots with PV canopies, for instance, would generate loads of power and allow stores to entice shoppers with free EV charging and cooler lots. And a cool customer is a happy customer.

    • • Electrify Everything - Part 3
      What if Walmart Turned Its
      Parking Lots Into Solar Farms?


      May-June 2023 Issue *by Michael Mechanic- The transition to clean power will require massive solar expansion—not just home rooftop arrays but photovoltaic installations near population centers.

      Where to mount all the panels? One answer seems obvious: over parking lots, which also bake during the summer, contributing to dangerous “heat island” effects. Shading Walmart Supercenter lots with PV canopies, for instance, would generate loads of power and allow stores to entice shoppers with free EV charging and cooler lots. And a cool customer is a happy customer.

    • • Electrify Everything - Part 4
      Across America, Microgrids are Changing the Power Dynamic


      May-June 2023 Issue *by Michael Mechanic- Microgrids are poised to take off. If you’ve never heard of them, you will soon. “A microgrid,” as journalist Lois Parshley explains in her accompanying story for our Electrify Everything package, “is basically a relatively small, local system that can generate, store, and/or distribute electricity, and can function off of the main grid if need be.

      They can be public or private, and consist of anything from a couple of neighbors sharing a solar panel to a bitcoin mine powered by its own wind farm.”

    • • Reshoring Solar Panel Production
      Could Help the U.S. Meet its Climate Goals
      Domestically Produced Panels
      Have a Smaller Carbon Footprint
      Than Imported Ones


      Mar. 21, 2023 -Manufacturing all silicon solar panels to be deployed in the United States domestically would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 23% and energy use by 4% compared to outsourced manufacturing, according to a new analysis. The findings suggest that “reshoring” solar panel production could help the country decarbonize faster.

    • • Discreet Solar Power For Your Roof
      Traditional Solar Panels Can Be a bit of an Eyesore, But...

      The Conversation

      Sep. 27, 2022 -You can still have all the benefits of solar power in your home without disfiguring it. Thanks to advances in solar technology over the last decade or so, there are now alternatives to traditional solar panels.

      Specifically, building-applied photovoltaics (BAPVs) are a discreet way of installing solar technology in your home – no one will even be able to detect them.

    • • Debunking the Top 8 Solar Myths
      There are Many Misconceptions About Solar Power

      Greener Ideal

      Oct. 29, 2022 -Table of Contents:
      Solar Myth #1: Solar panels are too expensive.
      Solar Myth #2: Solar panels are not reliable.
      Solar Myth #3: Solar panels require a lot of maintenance.
      Solar Myth #4: Solar power doesn’t work in cold climates.
      Solar Myth #5: Solar panels take up too much space.
      Solar Myth #6: Solar power is unreliable because it depends on the weather.
      Solar Myth #7: Going solar will cause my energy bills to go up.
      Solar Myth #8: Solar energy is not safe

    • • Agrivoltaics
      Combining Agriculture
      With Solar Power

      Pager Power, Oct. 6, 2021 -Agrivoltaics is the practice of using the same area of land for both solar photovoltaic power as well as for agriculture, which implies that solar panels and crops will share sunlight.

      This type of co-development is not new to the industry. Often terrain used for agriculture purposes is also used by wind developers to harness the power of wind, or animals grazing in farms help controlling the height of the grass in solar photovoltaic fields.

    • • A Solar Power Station in Space?
      Here’s How it Would Work

      Mar. 17, 2022, (The Conversation) -The UK government is reportedly considering a £16 billion proposal to build a solar power station in space.

      Yes, you read that right. Space-based solar power is one of the technologies to feature in the government’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio. It has been identified as a potential solution, alongside others, to enable the UK to achieve net zero by 2050.

      But how would a solar power station in space work? What are the advantages and drawbacks to this technology?

    • • Solar's Latest Breakthroughs
      See the List

      Greener Ideal

      March 26, 2022 - The solar industry has come a long way in just the last few years. The latest developments and breakthroughs in solar technology include longer-lasting solar cells, solar cells that you can print onto flexible surfaces, solar panels that track the sun from east to west throughout the day, and solar power plants that work at night.

    • • Australia’s Roaring Rooftop Solar Market
      What Other Countries
      Can Learn From It

      Mar. 28, 2022, (gtm)-Policymakers looking to speed up renewable energy deployment have a best-practice case study to look to: Australia is rolling out renewables 10 times faster than the global average, offering lessons as to what factors can improve the uptake of clean energy.

    • • Tidal Power To the Max
      The O2, Starts
      Exporting Clean Power

      Mar. 21, 2022, ( and launched in Dundee earlier in the year before being towed up to Orkney, the O2 is Orbital’s first commercial turbine and represents the culmination of more than 15 years of world leading product development in the UK.

      The 74m long turbine is expected to operate in the waters off Orkney for the next 15 years with the capacity to meet the annual electricity demand of around 2,000 UK homes with clean, predictable power from the fast-flowing waters. In a further ground-breaking element of the project, the O2 is to provide power to EMEC’s onshore electrolyzer to generate green hydrogen that will be used to demonstrate decarbonization of wider energy requirements.

    • • Space-Based Solar Power
      It May Be Closer Than We Think

      Dec. 1, 2021, (POWER)- The vision sounds far-fetched: If a kilometer-scale satellite could be outfitted with a hybrid array of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) panels and launched into orbit 22,400 miles above Earth, it could continuously harvest 3.4 GW of solar power and beam it down to Earth via microwave radiation for grid consumption, potentially delivering 2 GW of dispatchable and baseload power.

      But according to a “whole systems” set of detailed engineering and economic feasibility studies conducted by systems, engineering, and technology-oriented Frazer-Nash Consultancy for the UK government, this concept of a typical space-based solar power (SBSP) system is both technically and economically feasible—and it can be achieved within the next 18 years.

    • • Some Butterflies Can Make Solar Panels Smarter
      Their Wings Inspire a
      Better Way to Absorb Light

      October, 2017, (THE VERGE)The wings of a butterfly have inspired a new type of solar cell that can harvest light twice as efficiently as before and could one day improve our solar panels.

      Solar panels are usually made of thick solar cells, and are positioned at an angle to get the most amount of light from the sun as it moves throughout the day. Thin film solar cells, which can be only nanometers thick, have a lot of potential.

    • • The Case For Floating Solar
      It's Not Limited to Just Rooftops

      June 18, 2021 (Scientific American) -Restrictions on land use for greenfield solar projects, roof orientation, and inherent technical advantages, may prove floating solar, or floatovoltaic to be a viable energy alternative.

      When it comes to large-scale solar projects, the most common alternatives to rooftop solar panel systems include ground mounts or solar canopies. There’s a newer alternative that’s making quite the splash in the solar industry: floating solar.

      Floatovoltaic is defined as solar panels arrayed to float on the top of a lake or reservoir, placed on a buoyant sub-structure, and anchored with a measure of flexible movement. The technology is relatively-new starting in 2008 with China, Japan, and the U.K. as the early adopters.

    • • Studio Solarix Photovoltaics
      Designs Contributing
      to a Solar Future

      -Studio Solarix makes coloured solar panels and facade systems by doing this we can make buildings more sustainable, both in new construction and redevelopment. To this end, it designs, researches and develops aesthetic, sustainable and energy-generating facade elements.

      It originated from a joint ambition of Reinier Bosch (product designer, artist) and Marloes van Heteren (architect). With a great deal of substantive knowledge, they are the initiators of Solarix in the market of architecture, product development, design and sustainability; a beautiful facade panel that provides energy to people.

    • • 5 Things You Should Know About Fuel Cells
      Just What is a Fuel Cell?

      July 27, 2021 (CleanTechnica) -A hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical power generator that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as by-products. Simply put, hydrogen fuel cells form energy that can be used to power anything from commercial vehicles to drones.

      Hydrogen fuel cell technology offers the advantages of a clean and reliable alternative energy source to customers in a growing number of applications – electric vehicles, including forklifts, delivery vans, drones, and cars – primary and backup power for a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings; and more futuristic-sounding applications like air taxis.

      Click now to learn the 5 things.
    • • 5 Things To Know About Installing Solar
      These Must Be Considered
      Before Going Forward

      1. Is your location’s climate suitable for solar?

      2. Is your home suitable for solar panels?

      3. Do you have access to solar financial incentives?

      4. How much do you pay for electricity?

      5. Have you found a solar installer?

    • • Calculate Solar (Lease Vs. Buy)
      Free Tool:
      Lease vs.Buy Modeling Calculator

      Chris Lord’s FREE Site Lease vs. Buy Modeling Calculator allows users to compare a lease rate against a potential purchase of a solar PV site where the lease rate (including escalator) is known.

    • • France Passes Green Rooftop Law
      Shouldn't All
      Countries Demand This?

      Mar. 31, 2021(INHABITATs), -France keeps making green headlines lately… the Eiffel Tower’s wind turbines, the tree-shaped wind turbines being installed in Paris, and now an exciting new law that is sure to have a huge environmental impact in urban centers.

      Every new commercial building in France must meet a new building requirement; the roof must be at least partially covered in either solar panels or plants.

      Environmental activists had originally called for all for all rooftops to be 100% green, but the Government limited the scope of the law to include commercial buildings only. In an effort to make it less onerous for businesses, the rooftops will also only have to be partially green.

    • • The Spherical Sun Power Generator
      Here's How It Works

      (AE News), Apr. 13, 2020 -German Architect Andre Broessel believes he has a solution that can “squeeze more juice out of the sun”, even during the night hours and in low-light regions. His company Rawlemon has created a spherical sun power generator prototype called the beta.ray. His technology will combine spherical geometry principles with a dual axis tracking system, allowing twice the yield of a conventional solar panel in a much smaller surface area. The futuristic design is fully rotational and is suitable for inclined surfaces, walls of buildings, and anywhere with access to the sky. It can even be used as an electric car charging station.

      Click now for the story
      with photos and videos.
    • • Curse of "White Oil": EV's Dirty Secret
      The Lithium Gold Rush
      Threatens Massive Environmental Damage

      (The Guardian), Dec. 8, 2020 -The race is on to find a steady source of lithium, a key component in rechargeable electric car batteries. But while the EU focuses on emissions, the lithium gold rush threatens environmental damage on an industrial scale

      Click now for more.
    • • Solar Water Heating for Your Home
      How to Get Started

      (greener ideal), Oct. 19, 2017 -After solar power, solar water heating is often the next step that homeowners take to make their home more sustainable.

      A solar water heating system works by converting sunlight into heat using a solar thermal collector. This heat is then used to heat water in homes and swimming pools.

      If you plan to install a solar water heating system in your home, make sure to include domestic hot water as well. There’s little point in installing a solar water heating system if you can’t benefit from domestic hot water which is a necessity all year round.

      Click now to learn more.
    • • Renewable Energy Deployment in Ghana:
      The Hype, Hope and Reality

      Jan. 31, 2020,(SAGE journals) -Over recent years, few areas of international development research have seen as much transformation as those relating to energy access and low carbon transitions. Ghana, amongst other African economies, has seen an increase in energy demand surpassing the supply of energy in the last decade. The incorporation of the incorporation of renewable energy into the mix is, therefore, seen as a significant role in addressing the energy needs by replacing conventional fuels with clean and reliable domestic electricity with the advantage of local economic opportunities.

      The country has adopted the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG); SDG goal 7 targets ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. This target presents a formidable challenge to Ghana because the country still relies mainly on non-renewable energy sources. The country has a huge potential for renewable energy that remains underexploited. This study, therefore, seeks to assess the current renewable energy resource situation, examine the trend in Ghana’s energy consumption and undertake a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of Ghana’s renewable energy drive and policies.

    • • The Ivory Soap of Solar
      It Floats! Here's How

      April 1, 2020 (AENews)-Since 2011, French Company Ciel & Terre has been developing large-scale floating solar solutions. Their innovative Hydrelio Floating PV system allows standard PV panels to be installed on large bodies of water such as: drinking water reservoirs, quarry lakes, irrigation canals, remediation and tailing ponds, and hydro electric dam reservoirs. This simple and affordable alternative to ground-mounted systems is particularly suitable for water-intensive industries who cannot afford to waste either land or water.

      The main float is constructed of high-density thermoplastic (HDPE) and is set at a 12 degree angle to support a standard 60 Cell PV solar module. A secondary non-slip HDPE float is then used to link the main floats together and provide a platform for maintenance and added buoyancy as illustrated when you click on the link to the story.

    • • Spray on That Solar Panel!
      AI May Help Scientists
      Make Spray-On Solar Cells

      Dec. 16, 2019  (ScienceDaily)- Artificial Intelligence may be just the thing to accelerate spray-on solar cell technology, which could revolutionize how consumers use energy.

      It's a stunning example of how 3D printing is not only a viable and affordable construction method of the future but also a revolutionary system that can help reduce plastic waste.

      A research team at the University of Central Florida used Machine Learning, aka Artificial Intelligence to optimize the materials used to make perovskite solar cells (PSC). The Organic-Inorganic halide perovskites material used in PSC converts photovoltaic power into consumable energy.

    • • U.S. Electricity Generation By Energy Source
      What Is U.S. Electricity
      Generation By Energy Source?

      Sept. 18, 2019 (U.S. Energy Information Administration)-In 2018, about 4,178 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or 4.18 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.1 About 63% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases). About 20% was from nuclear energy, and about 17% was from renewable energy sources. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that an additional 30 billion kWh of electricity generation was from small-scale solar photovoltaic systems in 2018

      Click now to see the source distribution.

    • • Wind Turbines - A Whale of An Idea
      Whale Power Wind Turbine
      Blades – an Introduction

      Bright Hub -One of the most beneficial ways of increasing the efficiency of a wind turbine is to modify the design of the turbine blades. Although there are already many types of blade designs already in the market, only a few designs have turned out to be useful.

      Whalepower, a Canadian company that uses bio-mimicry, a concept of adapting the designs of nature into developing mechanical machine, has changed the design of the conventional turbine blades from flat smooth blades to a ridged design similar to that of whale fins. The blades of whale power turbine features a series of ridges just like the tubercles or bumps found on the humpback whale fins.

      Click now for the story
      and a free PDF download.

    • • Renewable Energy Stadiums: a Focus on the Future
      Renewable Energy
      Stadiums of the Future

      Apr. 4, 2019 (Power Technology) —How are modern stadiums using renewables as a source of energy and which are the best stadiums for renewable energy in the world?

      Sports stadiums require a huge amount of power, in particular on match-days when lighting, air-conditioning and video screens all electricity, along with a vast multitude of other energy-intensive demands. Even when not in use, stadiums and other sporting arenas need large amounts of power for maintenance.

      The possibilities for incorporating renewable energy technology into stadiums and the surrounding areas provide a huge opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This can include placing solar panels on roofs and on the roads leading towards the arenas.

    • • The Case for Solar Farms
      The Case For Solar Farms on
      Landfills or Unusable Lands

      In the U.S. several landfills have already been converted into solar farms. The project also provides the opportunity to convert an unusable land and turn it into something that can become the asset of the community.

    • • H2O Consumption: Shocking Facts
      Water Consumption: Shocking Facts

      Water is a finite resource, as water wars in California can attest. Reducing our water footprint is essential to conserving this life-giving substance.

    • • Will the Sunshine State Adopt Solar Energy
      Will We Have Have
      a Solar-Powered Florida?

      Solar Thermal Magazine Feb.10, 2019 -You would think that a state that refers to itself as the sunshine state would be rushing to install solar power technology. I mean with all that sunshine ( not to mention wind, wave and tidal energy) available why buy electricity from out of state.

      Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), already a self proclaimed leader in solar energy, has announced a groundbreaking “30-by-30” plan to install more than 30 million solar panels by 2030 and make the state of Florida a world leader in the production of solar energy.

      Interested? Click now to learn more.

    • • Bright News for Solar Panels - They Could Work at Night
      Your Solar Panels
      Could Soon Work at Night

      Jan. 7, 2020 (Arcadia Blog) -One of the most popular clean energy sources in North America, solar power, has skyrocketed in use in the U.S. over the last decade. Current estimates show that the volume of solar energy generated across installations nationally is enough to power 12-million American homes, and that number is only expected to grow.

      They’re limited to generating energy during the day — but function less efficiently the cloudier it is outside, collecting an estimated 10 to 25 percent of their typical output on cloudy days.

      But recent research from Soochow University in Suzhou, China, stands to change this. In 2018, a research team from the Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials crafted a solar cell that simultaneously generates electricity from sunlight and rainfall — allowing solar panels to continue to collect energy at full capacity during storms and subsequently expanding the duration of time at which a panel can function in any given day. Unlike typical solar panels, these panels would continue working on cloudy days and crucially, could even work at night.

    • • 156 Major Brands Going 100% Renewable
      156 Major Brands
      Going 100% Renewable

      January, 2019 Arcadia Power Blog -The fight against climate change is a fight for everyone, from individuals to businesses, national and local governments.

      Among many leaders driving change towards a 100% renewable energy future, find these 156 major global companies—each of whom have pledged to go 100% renewable in the near future.

      Look for your trusted bank, service, or a favorite brand, and see when and how each of them are working to meet their goals. Click to read on.

    • • Free E-Book - How Renewables Work
      A Practical Guide To Solar,
      Wind, and Geothermal

      Around the world, cities, states, countries, and companies (and people just like you!) are making the switch to clean, renewable energy to help confront climate change – and because it just makes good economic sense.

      Renewable energy is both a clean alternative to the fossil fuels driving the climate crisis and an engine for job creation. What’s not to love? But like any new technology, as it starts to take hold, there are bound to be questions.

      Click to download the e-book
      from The Climate Reality Project.

    • • Geothermal - What It Is/How it Works
      How Exactly Does
      Geothermal Energy Work?

      While it’s hard to miss a massive solar array or a field full of wind turbines, so much of the action with geothermal energy happens out-of-sight that it tends to not generate as much love as its buzzier brothers in the renewable energy landscape.

      And that’s too bad, because geothermal energy is pretty awesome. It takes the natural functions of the Earth and puts them to great use heating homes, creating electricity, and helping to propel the global shift from the dirty fossil fuels driving climate change to renewables.

      Click now to learn more
      from The Climate Reality Project.

    • • What Transparent Solar Cells Could Mean
      They Could Replace
      Windows in the Near Future

      ZME Science

      Dec. 22, 2022 -Dec. 23, 2022 -No matter how sustainable, eco-friendly, and clean sources of energy they are, conventional solar panels require a large setup area and heavy initial investment. Due to these limitations, it’s hard to introduce them in urban areas (especially neighborhoods with lots of apartment blocks or shops). But thanks to the work of ingenious engineers at the University of Michigan, that may soon no longer be the case.

      The researchers have created transparent solar panels which they claim could be used as power-generating windows in our homes, buildings, and even rented apartments.

    • • Changing the World - One Wave at a Time
      Grid Connected Wave Energy Array

      Mar. 21, 2022, (Echo Wave Power)-Eco Wave Power (EWP) (Nasdaq US Stock Symbol: WAVE) developed an innovative technology for production of clean electricity from ocean and sea waves.

      Echo's aim to generate clean & affordable electricity, using a simple but smart design, allowing our floaters to be attached to existing man-made structures, and thereby simplifying installation and maintenance as well as accessibility.

      EWP’s innovative technology has been recognized as a “Pioneering Technology” by the Chief Scientist of the Energy Ministry of Israel and received an Efficient Solution label from Solar Impulse Foundation.

    • • Al Gore Explains Renewable Energy
      Climate 101:
      What is Renewable Energy?

      Renewable energy is energy generated from ongoing natural processes like wind or sunlight that are not depleted when used. Unlike fossil fuels, these types of energy are theoretically unlimited. In contrast, fossil fuels like oil and gas are finite resources formed in the earth ove hundreds of millions of years from the remains of plants and animals.

      Importantly, and unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy is clean and doesn’t release carbon pollution into the atmosphere (which drives climate change). Burning fossil fuels does.

      Click now read the
      PDF from The Climate Reality Project.

    • • Harnessing the Ocean’s Energy to Power
      Homes, Planes and Whisky Distilleries
      And Why Stop There?

      Nov. 9, 2021, (Washington Post)-Ocean boosters like to compare the kinetic energy stored in the sea to a ginormous oil reserve that’s never going to run dry.

      It doesn’t matter if the sun shines or the wind blows. The tides turn. You can set your watch to them. The trick is how to generate cost-effective, renewable electricity from that limitless, ceaseless motion. They’re working on the problem here on Scotland’s Orkney Islands.

    • • What Smart Grids Can Do for You, and Puerto Rico, Too
      Could the Next Disaster
      in Puerto Rico Be Prevented?

      Mar. 20, 2018 -Months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico is still struggling to become fully energized. A number of grassroots efforts think solar energy can speed the recovery and prevent a total blackout when the next storm hits.

      Click to learn more from
      PBS News. A video is included.

    • • Green Jobs - They’re Booming
      Career Pathways and
      Possibilities in Renewable Energy

      Feb. 27, 2018 -Are you passionate about green energy and protecting our planet? Are you looking for a career you can be proud of that offers possibilities we aren’t even aware of yet? Look no further than the renewable energy industry.

      You could be working in wind or solar power in no time with the right education and tools to get you set on this exciting path. Here are some of the best degrees to pursue and the career choices that may come your way.

      Click now for the good news
      from Renewable Energy World.

    • • The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Is Here
      Breakthrough in Green Transportation

      Here’s a quick primer on what a hydrogen fuel cell is…
      Simply put, it’s an electromagnetic cell that converts the chemical energy of a fuel (for our purposes, hydrogen) and an oxidizing agent (oxygen) into electricity through a chemical reaction.

      Click now for the full
      report from Outsider Club.

    • • Renewable Energy in Your Home
      Arcadia Power

      Arcadia's Solar Energy Is available to both renters & homeowners - without solar panels. Get renewable energy at home without switching providers or installing any equipment •easy to use dashboard •wind sources •experts on hand.

    • • Floating Solar PVs Could Make a Big Splash in the US
      FPV Systems Gain Traction
      Across the World

      July, 2020 (NREL)-A floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) system is an emerging technology in which a solar photovoltaic (PV) system is placed directly on top of a body of water, as opposed to on land or on building rooftops. An NREL blog post from Jan. 24, 2017 discussed FPV and was based on forward-thinking state energy offices inquiring about the technology through NREL’s state technical assistance programs. The blog post introduced the technology and discussed the benefits of FPVs, as well as different examples of pilot FPVs in the United States.

    • • Hydrogen & Solar: Together At Last
      Like Two Lost Souls,
      Hydrogen and Concentrating
      Solar Power Find Each Other

      Jan. 2, 2018 - From Clean Technica : Not too long ago, the mention of hydrogen, or concentrating solar power, or both at the same time, would be met by a roll of the eye from alternative energy insiders. Hydrogen is an abundant and clean-burning fuel, but the primary source of hydrogen is natural gas. Concentrating solar power has a built-in energy storage element, but it is more complicated and expensive than other solar technologies. Et cetera, et cetera, and so on and so forth.

    • • Alt. Energy Videos
      There's Much to Learn - Get Educated

      From Natiional Geographic: There are many benefits to using renewable energy resources, but what is it exactly? From solar to wind, find out more about alternative energy, the fastest-growing source of energy in the world, and how we can use it to combat climate change

    • • Solar Women
      Eight Great Women in
      the Science of Solar

      Dec. 15, 2017 - From Renewable Energy World: It is easier to believe in the future of solar today than it was decades ago. This article honors eight of the women who believed and persevered and pioneered the PV industry of today and without who it might be a very different industry indeed.

      Each woman has in her own way championed the cause of climate change as well as the cause of the solar industry and has worked tirelessly educating, conducting research and deploying solar technologies to ensure the future of the industry.

    • • 50Hertz, Is Banking on Renewables
      50Hertz Sets 100% Renewables Goal

      July 6, 2020,(4C Offshore) -Transmission System Operator (TSO) 50Hertz has launched an economic and climate initiative for the grid area the company is responsible for: the eastern German states as well as the city states of Berlin and Hamburg. With the slogan “From 60 to 100 by 2032: for an economy with prospects”, 50Hertz has set itself the specific goal of getting the electricity demand in its grid area covered – and securely integrated – with 100 percent renewable energies by 2032. In 2019, the annual average share of renewables attained about 60%.

      0Hertz stated it will align its entire corporate strategy with this new objective and use all its know-how to that end in the scope of its statutory duty to operate the grid securely and reliably. This involves new approaches to system operation, a consistent digitization of the integration of an increasingly volatile electricity supply as well as the participation in innovative models of sector coupling to generate heat and produce hydrogen from “green” power.

    • • Plants Can Create Energy
      Experiments Are Proving It

      From Wageningen University: Experiments have proven that plants can serve as a source of clean and renewable energy.

      As part of the European project PlantPower, researchers are studying whether this technology is suitable for large-scale applications.They are also examining the technical feasibility and the economic profitability.

      Scientists all over the world are looking for alternatives to fossil fuels. Plant materials are already used as an energy source through bio-fermentation. Now it appears that living plants can also contribute to energy production. In a plant microbial fuel cell, living plants work together with micro-organisms to create electricity.

      This results in clean and renewable energy, while the plant remains alive. The first practical tests have been very promising. In projects supported by the EU and Agentschap NL (an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs), European and Dutch institutes, universities, and businesses are cooperating to gain more knowledge about this technology and its applications.

    • • Information on Buying From a Green Power Source
      Buying From a Green Power Source

      Sept. 1, 2019 (Union of Concerned Scientists)-Innovative programs around the country now make it possible for all environmentally conscious energy consumers to support renewable energy directly by participating in the "green" power market. The willingness to pay for the benefits of increasing our renewable energy supplies can be tapped within any market structure and by any size or type of energy consumer.

    • Back Arrow

    • • The Top U.S. Cities for Solar Energy
      Which Are the Shining Cities in 2019

      Environment Florida, May 31, 2019  - Solar power is expanding rapidly. The United States now has over 60 gigawatts (GW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity installed — enough to power nearly one in every 11 homes in America. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have invested in solar energy and millions more are ready to join them.

      America’s major cities have played a key role in the clean energy revolution and stand to reap tremendous benefits from solar energy. As population centers, they are major sources of electricity demand and, with millions of rooftops suitable for solar panels, they have the potential to be major sources of clean energy production as well.

      Interested? Click now for the story and a map

    • • North American 100% R.E. Projects
      Renewable Energy for the New World

      View a chart showing all of the reported projects in North and Central America that have 100% renewable energy goals, including some you would not have expected.

    • • Take the Fossil Fuel Bypass
      The Fossil Fuels Bypass
      is Not Science Fiction

      Feb. 14, 2017 - Here is a vision of the future in a warming world without fossil fuels.

      No switching on the air conditioning because your roof re-radiates the sun’s heat back into space.

      You don’t have to worry that the current from solar energy will turn off at night, because the same sunlight that powered the refrigerator has also turned two greenhouse gases into hydrocarbon fuel that serves as battery back-up.

    • • Net-zero Solar Farmhouse
      The Net-zero Solar
      Farmhouse from Deltic

      The new Solar Farmhouse contains everything the quintessential home possesses -- the quaint front porch, the white wood siding, the gabled roof, and the simple lines -- updated with a slew of net-zero features, including a passive solar design, air-tight building envelope, and open plan.

      Click now to learn more
      and to view a slideshow.

    • • EU Renewable Energy Stats
      Renewable Energy Records
      for the European Union

      In 2017 renewable energy represented 17.5 % of energy consumed in the EU, on a path to the 2020 target of 20 %.

      The share of energy from renewable sources used in transport activities reached 7.6 % in 2017.

      These stats will be updated in Feb. 2020. Stay tuned.

    • • Supertree-Sprouting Gardens
      Singapore's Supertree-
      Sprouting Gardens

      Gardens by the Bay will be Singapore's largest garden project and is central to their continued development of Marina Bay.

      Click now for the story and a slideshow.

    • • Solar Tax Incentives
      Solar Tax Incentives:

      There are various incentives being offered. The article explains it in detail.

      Click now to learn how
      to take advantage of them.
    • • Breakthrough Energy Coalition
      Breakthrough Energy
      Coalition Explained

      The world needs widely available reliable, affordable, carbon-free energy. New tools are needed to power the world.

      Bill Gates, George Soros and others are behind this.

    • • Storage Advance
      New Foam Batteries Promise
      Fast Charging, Higher Capacity

      Affordable, lightweight, and versatile, batteries made of porous materials could soon transform energy storage.

    Resource Listing

    (Click on a link below to learn about this resource)

  • 8-Miniute Energy
  • 1366
  • A123 Systems
  • Adara Power
  • All Earth Renewables
  • All Sun Trackers
  • American Energy Tech
  • American Wind Energy
  • Aquion Energy
  • Arcadia Power
  • Array Technologies
  • Borrego Solar
  • Bright Source Energy
  • Carnegie Wave Energy
  • Clarion Energy
  • Clean Energy States
  • Center for Alt. Technologies
  • d.Light
  • Envision Solar
  • EarthSpark
  • Florida Power & Light
  • Fl. Solar Power Direcrtory
  • General Fusion
  • Glass Point
  • Go Green Solar
  • GoldWind Sciemce & Tech
  • Green Lancer
  • Halotechnics Solar Thermal
  • Hello Sage
  • Hydorgen Kick Start
  • Imergy Power Systems
  • Infinty PV
  • Joule Unlimited
  • Ocean Renewable Power
  • Oregon Wave Energy Trust
  • Power Parasol
  • Plugless Wireless RP
  • PV Crops
  • Renewable Energy LI
  • The Rite Project
  • Romania Renewables Haven
  • Semprius Solar Cells
  • SEPA Solar Power Assoc
  • Seimans
  • Silverspring Infrastructure
  • Solar Gardens
  • Solar Shade Parking
  • Solar United Neighbors
  • Solarmer Energy
  • Solar Roadways
  • Solar Shade Parking
  • Sunpower Oasis Solar Tracker
  • Suntech Solar Cells
  • Vernon Electric
  • WikiHow Generator Setup
  • Water Furnace
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    (An Alphabetical Listing)
    Click the associated image for more information.
    The primary purpose of Solar Roadways is to generate clean renewable energy on roadways and any other surface that can be walked or driven upon. That would include: parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, tarmacs, plazas, bike paths, playgrounds, garden paths, pool surrounds, courtyards and the like.

    8 Minute Renewables Logo

    Why is it called 8 Minutes Renewable Energy? Because it takes about that time for the sun to reach the earth. Click the image for this commercial (yet informative website).


    Conventional solar power is still too expensive to compete with fossil fuels, in part because of the cost of manufacturing silicon-based solar cells.
    Key innovation: Developed a cheaper method for making silicon wafers, the most expensive component of a solar module.
    Technology: The process that 1366 has developed makes it possible to mold solar wafers—the thin sheets of silicon that serve as the core of a solar cell—directly from molten silicon rather than cutting them from larger ingots or crystals, which can waste up to half the material. The company has also developed a method for manufacturing solar cells that increases the amount of light the cell can absorb by reducing the area that’s shaded by electron-conducting wires and by decreasing the amount of light reflected off the surface. Increasing the light absorption helps increase the power output of the cell, effectively decreasing the cost per watt.

    Lithium-ion batteries make electric cars possible at mass-market prices.Key innovation: Nanostructured electrodes result in lithium batteries more durable and safer than those in cell phones and laptops.
    Technology: A123 develops and manufactures lithium-ion batteries that are safer than those in mobile phones and laptops and use less expensive elements. The materials are structured at the nanoscale in a way that enables them to charge and discharge quickly, making them well suited for use in electric vehicles and in electrical-grid storage.

    (Formerly Juicebox Energy)

    AllEarth Logo

    Interest in residential energy storage technology has grown dramatically worldwide as consumers search for a method of capturing self-produced solar energy, reducing their carbon footprint, and reducing their reliance on utilities.
    These sentiments combined with the need to be positioned on a global scale have led JuiceBox Energy, a privately-held Silicon Valley company committed to providing safe, reliable, intelligent, and connected energy storage, to rebrand as Adara Power. Formed in 2013, the company has successfully installed its advanced 8.6kWh and 17.2kWh Energy Storage Systems across the U.S. with growing domestic and international demand for renewable energy sources.

    AllEarth Logo

    They've designed and manufactures the dual-axis AllSun Trackers - affordable, complete grid-connected solar electric systems that produce up to 45% more energy than fixed rooftop systems. AllSun Trackers vastly simplify system design, supply chain management, installation and maintenance for systems large and small and was named a Top-10 green product of the year by BuildingGreen. AllEarth Renewables was named the fastest growing company in Vermont in 2010 and 2011. Click on the header for more.

    Allsun Trackers Logo

    An AllSun Tracker is just as the name implies: an array of solar panels (either 20 or 24) mounted on a ground mounted steel pole that moves with the sun as it crosses the sky. It is a dual-axis, active solar tracker that uses a motor and GPS (Global Positioning System) to turn the solar PV panels east to west and up and down. This movement keeps the solar panels perpendicular to the sun’s rays, steadily in-line with the sun’s position on the horizon every day, any time of the year. As a result, the amount of sunlight reaching the panels is maximized and electricity generation is greatly increased.

    American Energy Technologies

    A full service design/build renewable energy installation company serving owners and operators of professional businesses or multi-family residential buildings throughout the Northeast. AET works closely with their customers to help them understand their renewable energy options, state and federal requirements, and the financial benefits they can achieve. They are actively engaged in solar array projects in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.


    American Wind
    Energy Association

    The mission of the American Wind Energy Association is to promote wind power growth through advocacy, communication, and education.

    Advanced biofuels could help reduce the use of gasoline and diesel.
    Key innovation: Its genetically engineered yeast turns sugars into a building block of diesel fuel, which is usable in the existing transportation infrastructure.
    Technology: Amyris has engineered yeasts that convert sugars into a hydrocarbon molecule called farnesene, which can be processed into fuels for transport or products for the chemical industry. If hydrogenated, the hydrocarbon can be turned into a diesel fuel that burns cleaner than conventional diesel, reducing emissions of sulfur, nitrogen oxides, and particulates.


    Aquinon Logo

    The developer and manufacturer of Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI™) batteries and energy storage systems, today announced that it has completed the closing of a $55 million Series D financing round. Due to strong investor interest, the total amount of funding for this round was increased from the $35 million level previously announced by the company in April of 2013.
    They are completing $55M financing round to bring transformative energy storage systems to market.
    The Series D financing includes participation from new investors Bill Gates, Yung’s Enterprise, Nick and Joby Pritzker through their family’s firm Tao Invest, Bright Capital, and Gentry Venture Partners. Previous investors Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Foundation Capital, and Advanced Technology Ventures also participated in the round.

    Array Tech Logo

    Arcadia Power is a nationwide renewable energy company. They were founded with one simple mission in mind: to make our world better by changing the way we power our homes and businesses from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

    Array Tech Logo

    Array Technologies, Inc. is a leading U.S.-based solar manufacturer of solar tracking and solar racking systems for utilities, corporations, small businesses and homeowners. They provide solar tracking and racking solutions for any project, whatever its scale, location or requirements.
    Click on the logo for more information and a video.

    Borrego Solar Logo

    Designs and installs commercial solar power systems, providing a complete range of solar energy solutions including turnkey solar installation, integrated financing and solar consulting services.
    Click the image to see the arrays that they have installed.

      Bright Source

    It efficiently produces solar thermal power, which focuses sunlight to heat water into steam.
    Key innovation:  A boiler is heated directly with sunlight that bounces off mirrors.

    Carnegie Wave Logo

    Wave energy possesses unique characteristics that offer an advantage over other renewables such as wind and solar energy:
    Less variable and with the variability being more gradual and with notice
    More predictable. Australia’s preeminent research organization, the CSIRO, estimates wave energy is at least three times more predictable than wind energy
    The proximity of favorable wave energy sites to ultimate end users, so it minimizes transmission issues. Notably, approximately 60% of the world’s population lives within 60 kilometres of a coast.

    Center for Alternative Technology (CAT)

    CAT is concerned with the search for globally sustainable, whole and ecologically sound technologies and ways of life.
    Within this search CAT' explores and demonstrates a wide range of alternatives, communicating to other people the options for them to achieve positive change in their own lives.


    Carnegie Wave Logo

    In early 2018 Clarion Energy acquired PennWell, putting us in an unrivalled position globally in the Energy sector. The acquisition has brought together two of the industry’s most well-respected names to create one of the largest events companies in the world. We have taken a number of PennWell’s leading events including DISTRIBUTECH, POWERGEN and HydroVision International and added them to our leading Utility Week and Future Energy events to form the Power & Energy Series from Clarion Energy, a World Leading Portfolio of Events.


    Clean Energy States Alliance

    Eighteen states across the U.S. with established clean energy funds or programs have banded together to promote clean energy technologies. The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is a nonprofit organization comprised of members from 16 clean energy funds and two state agencies; it provides information and technical services to its members and works with them to build and expand clean energy markets in the United States.

    d.Light Solar Logo

    d.light is a for-profit social enterprise whose purpose is to create new freedoms for customers without access to reliable power so they can enjoy a brighter future. We design, manufacture and distribute solar light and power products throughout the developing world. We aim to empower the lives of at least 100 million people by 2020. d.light serves over 40 countries, through over 10,000 retail outlets, 10 field offices, and four regional hubs. The company employs over 100 people directly, and indirectly employs hundreds more worldwide.

    EarthSpark is honored to have been featured in Solar Frontiers, a recent short film by The Economist. Watch to see a family in the Haitian community of Les Anglais getting electricity for the first time and meet some of the men and women working on solar innovation in some unexpected places from Haiti to Alabama and beyond.

    Green Lancer

    GreenLancer’s online platform is providing the next generation of solar energy design services and significantly reducing the time and costs associated with developing solar energy projects. is a web-based company that designs solar energy systems, in the CLOUD. Our unique business model leverages the use of cutting edge technology, the internet, and powerful collaboration strategies. The results have made solar energy design support easy, affordable, very reliable and accessible to anyone, anywhere.

    Helio Sage Logo
    HelioSage is a leading national developer of commercial and utility scale solar projects, with a development pipeline totaling more than 900 megawatts across 20 states. The Company was founded by several of the principals of Greenlight Energy, Inc., one of the country’s largest independent wind energy companies at the time of its 2006 sale to BP Alternative Energy. With experience gained across more than 500 megawatts of completed renewable energy transactions, representing over $1 billion in invested capital, HelioSage is a recognized leader in large-scale solar energy development.

    Infinity PV


    infinityPV’s CEO: Printed solar cells need to happen. I’m all in!
    For decades scientists have been pursuing an exceedingly ambitious goal: They hope to provide clean energy for the entire world. Solutions including fusion, wind, solar, and more are all in the works, each with their own sets of promises and costs. Frederik C. Krebs, CEO of infinityPV, sees one clear path to a renewable energy future: “Printed solar cells hold the promises of solving our energy needs - we have the technology, all needed materials are abundant, and we spend extremely limited energy producing them.”

    Earth Ministry

    Through outreach and organizing within faith communities, Earth Ministry mobilizes Christians to live their faith by caring for the places they inhabit and working in their communities, churches, and government to promote justice for Earth and all its inhabitants.

    Envision Solar

    In the U.S., Envision Solar, headquarted in San Diego, California, has developed the unique EV ARC (Electric Vehicle Autonomous Renewable Charger), which is the world’s first fully autonomous, mobile, and 100 percent solar charged EV station. While in the U.S., the average, grid-tied EV charging system supplies electricity, which mostly comes from fossil fueled power plants, the EV ARC provides 100 percent clean, renewable electricity for EVs in public areas. Click image for more information.

    Reducing the cost of constructing solar thermal plants will make them more competitive with fossil-fuel plants.
    Key innovation:Software controls the mirrors that focus rays from the sun, eliminating the need to position them by hand.
    Technology: The company uses arrays of tens of thousands of mirrors to focus sunlight on a central tower, producing intense heat that turns water into steam to generate electricity. The mirrors are installed on prefabricated metal frames that allow them to pivot and tilt to track the sun throughout the day and from season to season. Proprietary software ensures that all the mirrors are aimed properly.


    New types of photovoltaics are reducing the cost of solar power.
    Key innovation: "Thin-film" solar panels based on cadmium telluride, which are cheaper than:conventional silicon panels, have made the company one of the world's largest photovoltaic manufacturers.
    Technology: The leading producer of thin-film solar panels, First Solar has established an alternative to conventional silicon-­based technology. The key is a material called cadmium telluride, which absorbs light better than silicon does; as a result, extremely thin films of the material are all that’s needed.

    Florida Power & Light
    Solar Facility

    At 25 megawatts, the DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center is the largest solar photovoltaic plant in the country. Now if they only would stop trying to kill solar roofs in the "Sunshine State," it might make them look mich better to true environmentalists.

    Florida Solar Power Directory

    Solar Power

    A directory of Solar Power providers and training facilities in South Florida


    General Fusion Logo

    General Fusion’s Magnetized Target Fusion system uses a sphere, filled with molten lead-lithium that is pumped to form a vortex.  On each pulse, magnetically-confined plasma is injected into the vortex. Around the sphere, an array of pistons impact and drive a pressure wave into the centre of the sphere, compressing the plasma to fusion conditions. Visit their website to see a case made for this unlimited energy source.

    Go Green Solar Logo is a leading solar and wind power internet retailer and online community. The company has passionately helped customers all over the world deploy renewable energy systems for their homes, businesses and non-profit agendas. carries the highest quality products from reputable manufacturers:Kaco Solar, Sanyo Solar, EarthLED, Xantrex, Kaneka, Southwest WindPower, Fronius, Enphase Energy, SMA, Heliodyne, Morningstar, Outback.


    GlassPoint Logo
    GlassPoint designs, manufactures and installs solar steam generators for the oil and gas industry worldwide. When used for thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) GlassPoint solar steam generators significantly reduce both gas consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 80%.


    Goldwind Science and Technology

    Increasing the time that turbines are operational will lower the cost of wind power.
    Key innovation: Co-developed a direct-drive wind turbine that eliminates the need for a gearbox. Having fewer moving parts reduces the chance of costly mechanical failure.
    Note: Revenue $1.6 billion


    Halotechnics Solar
    Thermal Storage

    Halotechnics Logo

    Breakthrough Molten Salts with Game-changing Properties -In our combinatorial chemistry labs we have screened thousands of novel mixtures and developed materials with the best combination of melting point, maximum operating temperature, and cost. Our research has resulted in our Saltstream patent-pending formulas. Saltstream materials utilize eutectic mixtures with drastically reduced melting points, reducing the risk of freezing and expanding the operating range of the fluid.


    Hydrogen's Forty-Fold
    Kick Start

    It might be useful to look at key points from last week’s announc-ements regarding the European hydrogen strategy and tease out what that might mean for the supply chain.
    The strategy from the EU Commission recognises hydrogen a key pillar of our energy system. Hydrogen is expected to provide at least 13% of the final energy demand by 2050 in Europe.

    Helio Sage Logo

    "The world needs radical new energy solutions. Imergy is supplying them now. Our paradigm-shifting Energy Storage Platform (ESP) fits as seamlessly into a remote village as it does into a large-scale commercial application. Cost savings and ROI are deep and fast. Scaling up is simple and inexpensive. Smart technology ensures efficient consumption. And the sustainable design meets today’s highest standards for responsible energy systems."-from the Imergy Website

    Joule Unlimited

    Biofuels could be far cheaper if they weren't made from corn, sugarcane, and other forms of biomass.
    Key innovation: Designed microbes that convert carbon dioxide and water directly into fuels.
    Technology: Joule has engineered microbes that harness the sun’s energy to convert carbon dioxide and water directly into ethanol or hydrocarbon fuels. When housed in bioreactors in sunny areas and at full-scale production, the company says, these photosynthetic organisms can produce 15,000 gallons of diesel or 25,000 gallons of ethanol per acre per year. The process offers an advantage over making biofuels from corn or cellulose, because growing those materials requires large amounts of arable land. It’s also an improvement over using photosynthetic algae to make biofuel precursors, as some other companies do, because those chemicals must then be processed to make fuel.

    Ocean Renewaable Power

    Ocean Renewable Power Company Logo

    The Bay of Fundy, located on the border between eastern Maine and Canada, is one of the most robust tidal energy resources in the world.
    Each day, 100 billion tons of water flow in and out of this bay, with the force of 8,000 locomotives and tidal ranges of up to 50 feet or more. At its mouth, off of Eastport and Lubec, Maine, ORPC is operating the first commercial, grid-connected tidal power system in the country, also the first ocean energy project to be delivering power to the public grid anywhere in the U.S. and all of the Americas.

    Oregon Wave Enery Trust

    OWET Logo
    A nonprofit, public-private partnership that is helping to responsibly develop ocean energy by connecting stakeholders, supporting research and development, and engaging in public outreach and policy work.
    OWET works with a wide range of stakeholders including: fishing and environmental groups, utilities, industry, government and interested citizens.
    With 300 miles of coastline characterized by powerful waves and steady and constant winds, a robust electrical transmission system close to coastal communities, transportation and port infrastructure, experienced and established manufacturing and supply chain, supportive policies and leading research institutions, Oregon is uniquely positioned to be North America’s leader in ocean energy.
    With the growing need for new clean sources of energy and sustainable family-wage jobs, OWET’s goal is to attract and build the ocean energy industry and to maximize the benefits for the environment and economy.

    Plugless, Wireless
    Vehicle Electric Charging

    Power Parasol Logo
    Transfer energy without the cord!
    Plugless uses inductive charging technology to eliminate the need to plug in your EV. Two aligned magnetic coils send power to your EV over an air gap between your vehicle and the included Wireless Charging Station.

    (Out of the Desert.
    Off the Rooftops.
    Into the Community)

    Power Parasol Logo

    PowerParasol® is a transformative tool that produces immediate results for customers who make the investment in changing their environment.
    Used to cover parks, pedestrian malls, parking lots, playgrounds community open space, or business and storage areas, the patent pending Power Parasol provides shade, security, lighting, and solar energy. All of this, while creating an environment of dappled light that allows grass, flowers, bushes and trees to flourish underneath the structure resulting in comfortable, inviting outdoor areas.



    (PhotoVoltaic Post reduction, ReliabilityOperational performance, Prediction and Simulation) is a €6 million funded pan-European, three year project involving 12 organisations across 7 EU member states. PVCROPS aims to improve Solar Photovoltaic (PV) penetration within electricity networks throughout each of the life stages of Building Integrated PV (BIPV) systems and Ground-Based PV plants.


    The Rite Project

    RITE Project

    The RITE Project by Verdant Power is a world’s first initiative that will test, demonstrate and deliver commercial electricity from their Free Flow Kinetic Hydropower System. The project is located in the East Channel of the East River in New York, NY, and generates clean renewable energy from the river's tidal currents.


    Semprius Logo

    delivers a unique high concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) module design that begins with its proprietary micro-transfer printing process. This process enables Semprius to use the world's smallest solar cell - approximately the size of a pencil point - to create solar modules with unmatched costs and performance advantages. In September 2013, Semprius set a new record for commercial solar module efficiency, reaching 35.5%.


    Increasing the time that turbines are operational will lower the cost of wind power.
    Key innovation: Co-developed a direct-drive wind turbine that eliminates the need for a gearbox. Having fewer moving parts reduces the chance of costly mechanical failure. Note: Revenues $103.7 billion.

    Google Gives
    Solar Energy
    a New Lease on Life
    Solar City

    June 15, 2011 - Google announced that it’s investing $280 million in SolarCity, a company that installs and maintains residential-scale solar panels. Customers pay a fee for this service, either up-front or at a monthly rate—and end up saving more money on electricity than they would if they were to buy and install the panels themselves—but they avoid the risk and long-term commitment of ownership. In this system, SolarCity and, by extension, Google take on that risk and the government tax credits that go along with installing solar panels. Why not let Google help you save a little on your electricity bill ?
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    Leading in Solar Power
    with Storage.
    (And it's delivered
    day and night - Today.

    Solar Reserve Logo

    SolarReserve is a leading global developer of utility-scale solar power projects, which include electricity generation by solar thermal energy and photovoltaic panels. In addition, SolarReserve has commercialized a proprietary advanced solar thermal technology with integrated energy storage that solves the intermittency issues experienced with other renewable energy sources. This proven US-developed technology generates renewable baseload and dispatchable power and can compete with traditional fossil-fired and nuclear electricity generation. The company currently has more than $1.8 billion of projects in operation worldwide, with development and long-term power contracts for 775 megawatts (MW) of solar projects representing $3.4 billion of project capital.


    Solar Shade Parking Structures
    (Puts Parking Lots to Work)

    Solar Shaded Parking Lot

    Alpha Energy’s Photovoltaic Solar Shade Structures are parking canopies with a roof specifically designed to provide low-cost support for a solar power system. Solar shade structures offer a dual benefit: shading for cars and solar production. A visible display of a company’s commitment to renewable energy, the solar shade structures can be used throughout the day to generate electricity and can be complimented with lighting and security cameras for safe usage at night as well.


    Join Solar United Neighbors, the national association of solar owners and supporters.
    Together, we'll help you go solar and protect your solar rights!

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    Solarmer Energy Inc

    A developer of transparent, flexible plastic solar panels, the next wave in generating renewable energy from the sun. These solar panels are opening the door for a wide range of new application areas in renewable energy, which are not currently addressable with conventional silicon solar panel technology. Our company's solar panels have the potential to reduce the cost of renewable energy down to 12-15 cents/kWh and less than $1/Watt, which means plastic solar panels will be the first in solar capable of generating electricity on par with conventional fuel costs.
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    SunPower Oasis
    Solar Tracker

    Sun Runner Symbol
    SunPower partnered with EPCs to engineer the high-performance Oasis for faster, easier installation. Features include fewer parts and piles; above-ground, plug-and-play DC wiring; and wider distance between rows to easily accommodate construction and O&M equipment.

    Extremely large-scale production of solar panels is reducing the technology's cost.
    Key innovation: Developed its own solar cells and equipment for manufacturing them cheaply.
    Technology: Suntech is the world’s largest producer of crystalline-silicon solar panels, the most common type. It specializes in multicrystalline cells, which produce somewhat less power per square meter than single-­crystal cells but yield a competitive price per watt because the materials cost less.
    The company’s current generation of solar cells has broken an efficiency record for multicrystalline cells that had stood for 15 years; one key to the accomplishment was to increase the amount of light the cells absorb by texturing their surface and decreasing the thickness of electron-conducting wires.
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    Tesla Solar Roof
    and Power Wall
    (For the best looking
    solar roof ever!)

    The sun provides more than enough energy in just one hour to supply our planet’s energy needs for an entire year. Your home can capture this free, abundant energy source through rooftop solar tiles, turning sunlight into electricity for immediate use or storage in a Powerwall battery.
    Click here to shine a light.


    Vernon Electric Logo

    Vernon Electric provides Community Solar, whose name speaks for itself, makes it possible to use solar energy without actually installing it on your roof.Click the image to learn more about this innovative answer to fossil fuel addiction.


    Water Furnace

    Makers of GeoThermal comfort systems for homes, businesses and institutions.


    Setting Up Your
    Own PV Generator

    WikiHow Logo

    While there are a lot of decisions you can make, this particular how-to focuses on small-scale solar generation (<1kWh/day), and simplifies it so that just about anyone can set up a functioning system. However, beware that compromises in efficiency, safety, and code adherence may be made for the sake of simplicity.
    Where can I get these solar panels? -
    Glad you asked.

    Renewable Energy - LI

    RELI is a membership-based, not-for-profit organization promoting clean, sustainable energy use and generation for Long Island. RELI seeks public participation in energy policy decisions to encourage energy efficiency, use of renewable energy sources, and to protect our environment, economy, and public health.
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    Eastern Europe’s
    Renewables Haven

    Romanian Flag

    Developers, manufacturers, investors and other renewable energy industry stakeholders need to know where the next big market is going to be so that they can adjust their business decisions accordingly.
    Since 2003, global consultancy Ernst & Young has released its Country Attractiveness Indices, which gives a numerical ranking to 30 global renewable energy markets by scoring renewable energy investment strategies and resource availability. The indices are updated on a quarterly basis and the most recent report can be found by clicking the banner above:

    SEPA - Solar Electric Power Association
    SEPA Logo

    SEPA's mission is to support utility integration of solar to the benefit of the utility, its customers and the public good. We envision a future where solar represents a significant portion of the U.S. electricity portfolio while maintaining healthy and vibrant utility and solar industries.

    Silver Spring

    Computer intelligence in the electric grid will make energy distribution more efficient.
    Key innovation: Developed hardware and software that standardize the way disparate parts of the grid communicate.
    Technology: The company builds secure, adaptable network infrastructure that helps utilities and their customers manage their energy use more efficiently. Silver Spring Networks' software allows utilities to automatically manage their distribution of electricity by quickly responding to spikes and lulls in electricity generation and demand, as well as failures in the grid. The company also builds its communication chips into smart electric and gas meters that relay data to a centralized software system. Consumers can access the data to monitor their own energy use through a Web portal that Silver Spring maintains.

    " Solar Gardens Logo

    A Solar Garden is a community shared solar array with grid-connected subscribers.
    Homes and businesses, even if shaded by trees, receive a bill credit as if the panels were on their own roof using “virtual net metering”. The Solar Gardens Institute (SGI) provides tools and training to co-develop community solar arrays. Land owners, community groups, local governments, utilities and solar integrators.
    Click on the image to learn more and to locate installations throughout the U.S.A.


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    Debating 4 Dirty
    Myths on Clean Energy

    Debate 1: How is the Problem Defined?

    Myth:   Climate change is not real, thus “clean” energy is not needed
    Reality:  This is the wrong response to the wrong question; a broader framework is needed

    Debate 2: How to Involve Government?

    Myth:  The government should stop subsidizing clean energy and let the ”free market” work
    Reality:  The government is deeply involved in all forms of energy; there is no free market in energy

    Debate 3: Where To Focus Innovation?

    Myth:  We need new technology, period
    Reality:  We need innovation in technology, policy, business models, and financing

    Debate 4: Can Alternative Forms of
    Energy Make a Difference?

    Myth:  Some new technologies, such as solar and wind, will never make a dent in our energy mix
    Reality: It will take time, yes, but the signs are already clear they are having an impact

    Read the entire article by clicking Here

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