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Atmospheric CO2 Levels

(Monthly Averages)

Apr. 30, 2024: 422.1 ppm
10 years ago: 396 ppm
Pre-industrial base: 280
Safe level: 350 ppm


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Magnifying Glass

Page Updated:
July 23, 2024

Environmental Impact News (Latest Dates First) - Recently Published)

  • • In Idaho, Water Shortages Pit Farmers Against One Another
    This Summer, a Short-Lived Curtailment Order Brought a Dispute to a Head Between Farmers Irrigating From the Snake River and Those Dependent on Groundwater


    July 20, 2024 -Along the banks of the Snake River, below the Magic Valley’s fields of barley, wheat and corn, groundwater from a massive aquifer springs from steep, dark rock and crashes down the cliff to the river.

    As the river runs from its headwaters near Yellowstone, springs like these add water from the massive Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer.

  • • The Times Mapped Heat in 3 U.S. Cities
    Some Sidewalks Were Over 130 Degrees


    July 17, 2024 -We usually talk about summertime heat in terms of how hot the air is, but there’s another metric that matters: the temperatures of roads, sidewalks, buildings, parking lots and other outdoor surfaces. Hot surfaces can make the places people live and work more dangerous, and can increase the risk of contact burns.

    Just consider this image, captured recently by satellite, of surface temperatures across Phoenix.

  • • This Type of ‘Forever Chemical’ Seems to be Everywhere
    ‘Everyone is Drinking It’


    July 13, 2024 -For years, scientists have worried about “forever chemicals,” substances used to make hundreds of household items that have been linked by research to a wide range of health problems. In response, a growing number of companies have pledged not to use the chemicals, and regulators have increasingly taken aim at them.

    But even as work continues to phase out the substances, scientists are beginning to focus on new types that are far more widespread than earlier realized — prompting worries about undetected health risks.

  • • Landfills Belch Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ into the Air
    The Systems that Collect Landfill Gas Weren’t Designed to Manage or Destroy Volatile PFAS


    July 11, 2024 -What’s dumped into a landfill is supposed to stay there, but a new study finds that toxic “forever chemicals” are wafting from the waste into the air.

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, have been detected in the gas exuded by some Florida landfills in quantities comparable to or even greater than in the liquids that seep from the waste, researchers report June 26 in Environmental Science & Technology Letters. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, weakened immune systems, developmental problems in children and a tide of other harmful health effects

  • • NATO's 2024 Climate Change and
    Security Impact Assessment Report
    Part of an ambitious Action Plan on Climate Change and Security that NATO Leaders Adopted at the Brussels Summit in 2021

    July 9, 2024, (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)-Building on previous editions, it examines the impact of climate change on each of NATO’s operating domains – sea, land, air, space and cyber – as well as on NATO’s missions and operations, and resilience and civil preparedness.

    The Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment presents case studies in three geographical areas: NATO’s presence in Kosovo; the Rovajärvi shooting and training area in Finland; and the joint Canadian and US early-warning radar system for North American ?air defence (NWS). It also evaluates the performance of submarines, naval helicopters, and military transport planes in a changing climate.

  • • Copenhagen Tries Rewards for Good Tourist Behavior
    The Danish Capital is Offering Free Museum Tours, Art Workshops and More to Visitors Who Take Part in Climate-Friendly Initiatives


    July 9, 2024 -A new fee for Venice day trippers. A looming ban on vacation rentals in Barcelona. Restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Majorca. At a time when overwhelmed European destinations are slapping tourists with restrictions and fees, Copenhagen is trying a different approach: rewarding visitors who act responsibly.

    Click now to read all about it.

  • • The Killer Stalking Sri Lanka’s Men
    Climate Change and Contaminated Water Have Combined to Create an Epidemic of Kidney Disease


    July 8, 2024 -Something odd has been happening to young men in the sultry farming and fishing communities of Sri Lanka.

    Since the 1990s, men in their 30s and 40s have been turning up at hospitals with late-stage kidney failure, needing dialysis or even transplants. In some communities, as many as one in five young men is affected.

  • • Does Climate Change Influence Insurance Rates Across America?
    It's Driving Rates Higher, But Not Always in Areas With the Greatest Risk


    July 8, 2024 -Enid, Okla., surrounded by farms about 90 minutes north of Oklahoma City, has an unwelcome distinction: Home insurance is more expensive, relative to home values, than almost anywhere else in the country.

    Enid is hardly the American community that is most vulnerable to damaging weather. Yet as a share of home prices, insurance costs more in parts of Enid than in New Orleans, much of which is below sea level...

  • • Mangrove Forests are Climate Champions
    New Research Finds that Planted Mangrove Forests Can Capture 75% as Much Carbon as Natural Forests


    July 5, 2024 -Mangrove forests are climate treasure chests, storing more carbon acre-per-acre than virtually any other natural landscape. Yet they are gradually disappearing. Roughly 35% of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost over the last half century, thanks to logging, encroaching farms and extreme storms, among other things.

    But at least some of that treasure can be regained. Mangrove forests planted by people can hold as much as three-quarters of the carbon found in natural mangrove forests, according to research out today.

  • • A Rising Fortress on Sinking Land
    A Massive Sea Wall Around a Louisiana Gas Facility Poses a Question: How Far Will the Fossil Fuel Industry Go to Protect Itself From Climate Impacts It Helped Cause?


    July 5, 2024 -The marshes that blanket this pancake-flat parish south of New Orleans stretch for miles, strewn with small streams that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. A lone four-lane road goes south past a Navy air base, an idle industrial site, a coal export terminal and a handful of small storm-battered communities.

    Click for the complete story.

  • • US Army Needs to Test for PFAS in Certain Creeks
    In Particular, the Ones Flowing Out of Former Seneca Army Depot


    June 26, 2024 -The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has formally asked the U.S. Army to sample surface water and sediment in Kendaia and Reeder creeks for PFAS chemicals that may have migrated from the former Seneca Army Depot into Seneca Lake.

    “Thus far the Army has not agreed with our request,” the agency’s website reported on June 20.

  • • Another Way Humans Are Exposed to 'Forever Chemicals'
    Through Our Skin


    June 26, 2024 -A first-of-its-kind study has found that “forever chemicals” — toxic compounds found in everyday beauty and personal care items like sunscreen, waterproof mascara and lipstick — can seep through human skin and enter the bloodstream.

    “If you put some of these products directly onto your skin and they contain PFAS, there’s a very high potential for them to be transferred across the skin,” said study co-author Stuart Harrad, whose research was published this week in Environment International.

  • • How Utilities Can Brace Against Wildfire Risk
    Some of the Nation’s Largest Energy Suppliers Have Even Been Hit With Lawsuits Charging Their Equipment With Contributing to Some of the Most Devastating Fires in Recent Years


    June 25, 2024 -Wildfires are raging across the US more frequently than ever. As a result, utilities are feeling the heat.

    In recent months, some of the nation’s largest energy suppliers have even been hit with lawsuits charging their equipment with contributing to some of the most devastating fires in recent years. And as climate change intensifies extreme weather events, power-line-induced wildfires are only set to become more common – leaving utilities and their customers increasingly exposed.

  • • Heat Amps Up Pollution
    A Ride in a Chemical-
    Sniffing Van Shows How


    June 21, 2024 -Two vans loaded with precision instruments trundled along the streets of New York and New Jersey in the heat earlier this week, sniffing for toxic chemicals in the air.

    They detected spikes in methane, a potent greenhouse gas, most likely from leaks, or from natural-gas-burning buses. They found plumes of nitrous oxide, possibly from wastewater. And all along the ride, they logged elevated levels of ozone, the main ingredient of smog, as well as cancer-causing formaldehyde — both of which form readily in hot weather.

  • • What Targeted Building Electrification Could Mean
    Could Save California
    Utilities Billion of Dollarss


    June 21, 2024 -Targeted building electrification and gas decommissioning projects in California could avoid $20 billion in gas pipeline replacement costs by 2045 while only affecting 3% of current gas customers, according to a report from Energy and Environmental Economics (E3).

    The report, Avoiding Gas Distribution Pipeline Replacement Through Targeted Electrification in California, notes that California’s gas utilities are on track to replace 8,900 miles of gas distribution mains at a projected cost of $43 billion. A geographically-targeted building electrification program could fully electrify blocks or neighborhoods to avoid some gas pipeline replacement projects, the report said.

  • • Heat Amps Up Pollution
    A Ride in a Chemical-
    Sniffing Van Shows How


    June 21, 2024 -Two vans loaded with precision instruments trundled along the streets of New York and New Jersey in the heat earlier this week, sniffing for toxic chemicals in the air.

    They detected spikes in methane, a potent greenhouse gas, most likely from leaks, or from natural-gas-burning buses. They found plumes of nitrous oxide, possibly from wastewater. And all along the ride, they logged elevated levels of ozone, the main ingredient of smog, as well as cancer-causing formaldehyde — both of which form readily in hot weather.

  • • The Results of Efforts to Save a Historic Water Tower
    It Put Lead in this

    June 21, 2024 -Pitted with rust, an empty water tower looms over this old mill village. In its short shadow rests an organic community garden, where overripe tomatoes dangle from dying vines and pepper plants droop, yellowed and parched.

    This is the most visible sign of the unintended consequences of an attempt to save the water tower and designate it as a historic landmark. Parts of Bynum, including the community garden, are now contaminated with hexavalent chromium and lead.

  • • California Workplace Safety Board
    Approves Heat Protections for Indoor Workers
    Prisons Were Excluded

    AP Logo

    June 20, 2024 -On the first day of summer with parts of California sweltering under a heat advisory, a state worker safety board approved standards Thursday that would require employers to protect workers from indoor heat, but would exempt state correctional facilities.

    The board of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health first passed indoor heat rules in March. However, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration blocked them over concerns about costs to prisons and other state entities.

  • • Almost 2,000 Children Sie Every Day from Air Pollution
    Dirty Air is Second Only to Malnutrition as Cause of Death Among Under-Fives


    June 18, 2024 -Nearly 2,000 children under five are dying every day from air pollution, which has overtaken poor sanitation and a lack of clean water to become the second biggest health risk factor for young children around the world.

    More than 8 million deaths, of children and adults, were caused by air pollution in 2021, according to a new study from the Health Effects Institute (HEI), as both outdoor and indoor pollution continue to take an increasing toll on health.

  • • Restoring 20% of Bloc’s Land and Sea by End of Decade
    The E.U.Just Passed the Law


    June 17, 2024 -The EU has passed a landmark law to protect nature after a knife-edge vote, ending a months-long deadlock among member states spooked by fierce protests from farmers.

    But a last-minute change of heart by Austria’s Green Climate minister, whose vote is credited with saving the proposal, led to fury in Vienna, with the party of the chancellor, Karl Nehammer, announcing it would seek criminal charges against her for alleged abuse of power.

  • • New Mexico Debates What to Do With Oil and Gas Wastewater
    State Regulators Say Discharges of Treated Produced Water Into Rivers are Too Risky, but...


    June 15, 2024 -The question of what to do with the vast quantities of toxic wastewater from oil and gas drilling in New Mexico is up for debate.

    At stake are billions of gallons of wastewater generated annually in New Mexico, an arid state facing water shortages in the coming decades. Injecting the wastewater, known as produced water, underground has been linked to earthquakes.

  • • Britain's Dirty Waters
    How the Environment Agency Lost its Way


    June 13, 2024 -When Helen Nightingale joined the National Rivers Authority, the predecessor to the Environment Agency, in 1991, she thought of her work as a calling. She had been fascinated by nature since she was a child, when she used to poke around in the earth on her father’s allotment, looking for worms and beetles.

    In her job, Nightingale spent most of her time walking along the rivers in Lancashire and Merseyside, taking water samples and testing oxygen levels. She was responsible for protecting rivers, and she often learned about sewage and pesticide pollution from members of the public who called a dedicated hotline.

  • • What Pennsylvania’s Fracking Wastewater Contains
    A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Critical Clean Energy Mineral Lithium


    May 29, 2024 -In 2007, a geoscientist at Penn State named Terry Engelder calculated that Pennsylvania could be sitting on more than 50 trillion cubic feet of accessible natural gas deposits. Engelder later revised his calculation upward, to 489 trillion cubic feet, enough to meet U.S. natural gas demand for 18 years. These massive numbers set off the fracking boom in Pennsylvania, leading to drilling across the state. Since the rush began, there have been 13,000 unconventional wells drilled in Pennsylvania.

  • • Zero-Emission Cement
    Recycling Used Cement Could Dramatically Lower Emissions


    May 28, 2024 -Cement is the basic ingredient in concrete, and concrete is one of our biggest environmental problems. It accounts for 7.5% of our global greenhouse gas emissions, more than every country except China and the US. Cement is so ubiquitous that we can’t even dream of getting rid of it yet — but we can try to make it more eco-friendly.

    In a new study, researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK, have found a way to recycle cement and produce new material without the environmental cost of it.

  • • To Incinerate or Not to Incinerate:
    Maryland Hospitals Grapple With Question With Big Public Health Implications


    May 27, 2024 -Maryland’s two largest health systems have taken contrasting positions on their future dealings with a controversial medical waste incinerator in South Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Health System and University said it ended its dealings with the incinerator while MedStar Health gave no such assurance.

    “We have ended all dealings with Curtis Bay Energy and are working to shift nearly all of our medical waste disposal to more environmentally-friendly technologies, including autoclave and ozone sterilization facilities,” a Johns Hopkins University spokesperson said in emailed comments to Inside Climate News.

  • • In One of the US’s Hottest Deserts,
    Utilities Push Gas Rather Than Solar
    Even GOP Voters are Fighting Gas Power Plants as Utilities Try to Lock in Fossil Fuels


    May 23, 2024 -Retirement was pretty idyllic for Mac and Debbie McKeever, who moved to Fort Mohave in Arizona for the desert views, starry nights and fresh air. The couple hosted cocktails by the pool and taco Tuesdays with their neighbors – an active bunch of Republican-voting retirees with a penchant for gas-guzzling RVs and side-by-sides, and the unlikeliest environmental activists.

    However, in late November 2023, the McKeevers found out that the local government, the Mohave county board of supervisors, was about to vote on a zoning proposal for a gas-fired peaker plant less than 1,200ft (0.2 miles) from their middle-class neighborhood Sunrise Hills.

  • • The World’s Largest Carbon-Capture Plant Just Switched On
    Experts Say We’ll Need Carbon Capture to Offset Stubborn Emissions that Can’t Easily be Cut with Existing Green Technology


    May 9, 2024 -After decades of hype and doubt, giant factories that can pull thousands of tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere are starting to spin up.

    Climeworks, a Swiss start-up, opened the biggest carbon absorbing plant in the world on May 8 in Hellisheidi, Iceland. Dubbed “Mammoth,” the plant is designed to remove 36,000 metric tons of carbon each year, the equivalent of taking 8,600 cars off the road.

  • • A Hidden Danger Lurks Beneath Yellowstone
    Catastrophic Hydrothermal Explosions Rocked the Park in the Past and Could Again in the Future


    May 8, 2024 -Mount Ontake in Japan rises 3,067 meters above sea level — a windswept giant standing head and shoulders above densely forested hills. This ancient volcano is a popular trekking site. A trail traverses its ash- and boulder-strewn ridges. There are several huts and a shrine. On September 27, 2014, hikers took advantage of a blue sky and gentle wind. At 11:52 a.m., over a hundred of them stood on the summit, eating snacks and taking photos. Disaster struck with little warning.

    The windows and doors of a nearby hut rattled, vibrated by a low-frequency shock wave inaudible to humans.

  • • Dissolving Circuit Boards that Can Be Recycled Over and Over Again
    This New Method Separates The Components For Reuse


    May 2, 2024 -Inside the phone or computer you are reading this story on is a fiberglass board bearing all the circuit chips, wires and other electronic components that make the device work. And every year, hundreds of thousands of tons of these printed circuit boards (PCBs) get dumped in landfills as electronics become obsolete.

    There has been a lot of research on finding ways to extract valuable metals from electronic waste. But recycling the PCBs themselves, which are made of a type of tough plastic, is challenging.

  • • Decayed Power Pole Sparked the Largest Wildfire in Texas History
    A Lack of Air Support and Ineffective Coordination Hurt Efforts to Contain This Year’s Panhandle Fires


    May 2, 2024 - A decayed utility pole that broke, causing power wires to fall on dry grass in the Texas Panhandle, sparked the state’s largest wildfire in history, a Texas House committee confirmed Wednesday.

    And other poorly maintained power equipment sparked four additional fires across the region earlier this year, the committee said.

  • • A Sheet of Gold That’s Just One Atom Thick
    It’s Unclear What, if Any, Exotic Properties Goldene Has


    May. 1, 2024 -Meet graphene’s newest metallic cousin, goldene. For the first time, researchers have created a free-standing sheet of gold that’s just one atom thick.

    The development, reported in the April 16 Nature Synthesis, could someday allow scientists to use less gold in electronics and chemical reactions, says materials physicist Lars Hultman of Linköping University in Sweden. The gold sheet may also exhibit exotic properties like those found in other two-dimensional materials.

  • • These Scientists Want to Make White Bread as Healthy as Wholegrain
    Here's How They'll Do It>


    May. 1, 2024 -White bread is a staple in many diets around the world. However, over the years, it’s earned a bad reputation. White bread is made from refined wheat flour, lacking fiber or protein. The taste and texture are great when you’re eating white bread, but that’s because it’s a bit like eating sugar. It’s digested and absorbed very quickly, spiking our blood sugar, which can lead to weight gain and even diabetes.

    But what if you could have a great tasting bread like white bread, but which is also nutritious like wholegrain? That’s exactly what scientists at Aberystwyth University in the UK are trying to achieve.

  • • A Plastics Plant Promised Pennsylvania Prosperity, but...
    but to Some Residents It’s Become a ‘Shockingly Bad’ Neighbor


    April 30, 2024 -Shell’s new ethane cracker was supposed to be an economic “game changer” for Beaver County. But some of its neighbors are now fleeing its light, noise and air pollution–and the facility is facing two lawsuits.

    Pollution from the plant has been far more disruptive than most people expected. In May 2023, Shell was fined $10 million for air quality violations.

  • • Carbon Carbon Markets Could
    Finance Green Wastewater Infrastructure
    Could Be a Huge Win-Win-Win


    Apr. 30, 2024 -Green wastewater-treatment infrastructure could save billions of dollars and avert millions of tons of carbon emissions in the United States in the coming decades, according to a new study.

    To facilitate this, wastewater treatment could be folded into carbon markets, moving water quality from a local to a globally traded resource, the study suggests.

  • • U.S. Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Dropped 3% in 2023
    Now, That is Progress!


    Apr. 29, 2024 -Based on analysis in the most recent U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions report, U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions decreased by 3%, about 134 million metric tons (MMmt), in 2023.

    According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), more than 80% of the emissions reductions occurred in the electric power sector, caused largely by decreased coal-fired electricity generation, displaced by increased generation from solar and natural gas. Electric power sector emissions decreased to about 1,425 MMmt in 2023, about 7% less than in 2022.

  • • Texas Companies Eye Pecos River Watershed for Oilfield Wastewater
    But What About Toxic
    Pollutants in the Wastewater?


    Apr. 28, 2024 -These days the Pecos River barely fills its dry, sandy bed where it crosses West Texas, but the river could be poised to flow again — with treated oilfield wastewater.

    Companies are racing to figure out what to do with the tremendous volume of noxious water that comes up from underground during oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin, but a growing cohort of companies say they’ve developed a means to purify that fluid and release it in the Pecos and other watersheds.

  • • Tornadoes Kill at Least 4 People in Swath of Devastated Oklahoma
    ‘You Just Can’t Believe the Destruction’ in the Town of Sulphur, the Governor Says


    Apr. 28, 2024 -Crews were assessing damage Sunday after a tornado outbreak killed at least four people and leveled neighborhoods in several Oklahoma towns Saturday night.

    In downtown Sulphur, about 85 miles southeast of Oklahoma City, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) told reporters he hadn’t seen anything like it since taking office in January 2019.

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The Issues: What We Need to Know


  • Lead Poisoning Details
  • Help End Food Wast
  • Carbon Offset Credits
  • Air Pollution and PM2.5
  • Breaking Down Toxic PFAS
  • Chicago Urban Agriculture
  • Clean Up Your Cleaning Act
  • Arsenic In Our Babies’ Cereal
  • Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
  • Paying Back Koch Industries
  • Radon's Impact on Our Lungs
  • The Guardian Climate Pledge
  • About Those Toxic Chemicals
  • A Cleaner Way to Remove CO2
  • Dos and Don’ts of Pesticide Use
  • Danger: Seismic Airgun Blasting
  • Confronting Ocean Acidification
  • What Our Agencies Don’t Tell Us
  • Avoid Hurricane Surge Flooding
  • Map Showing the Lost Rainforests
  • Fossil Fuel Facts You Should Know
  • Pesticides and Farm Worker Safety
  • The Mushroom That Can Eat Plastic
  • Bali Fights For its Beautiful Beaches
  • Your Car Needs a Professional Wash
  • Can We Restore the Gulf of Mexico?
  • The Fossil Fuels Behind Forest Fires
  • The PFAs in Clark's Marsh, Michigan
  • Know The Clean Drinking Water Facts
  • Wipes Are Tearing Up Our Sewer Systems
  • Green Ammonia fo a Sustainable Future
  • Companies Reducing Their CO2 Footprint
  • Derailed Train Ordered Pay Cleanup Costs
  • Lifestyle Changes to Shrink Carbon Footprint
  • Louisiana Plastics Plant Put On Pause is a Win For Activists
  • Parisians: Recovering a River Now Buried Under the City
  • Cities Take Action to Limit Loud and Polluting Lawn Care
  • Air Pollution Causes Over 1 Million Stillbirths Each Year
  • Plastic Pellets Flow From the Mississippi Into the Gulf
  • How About a Little Radio-activity in Your Fertilizer?
  • Sustainable Concrete: Do What the Romans Did
  • NY Fracked Gas Plant Rejections Set Precedent
  • To Clear City Smog, Chile Pushes Electric Taxis
  • • Moving Stockholm Toward an Emissions-Free Future
  • Slaughterhouses Pollute Our Waterways
  • Amazon and Others Destroy Unsold Products
  • Plastic Pollution is in All Areas of the U.S.
  • Tropicana Sued Over Malic Acid Presence
  • Drinking Water With ‘Forever Chemicals’
  • Did We Really Need a Clean Water Rule?
  • Solving the Global Cooling Problem
  • Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon
  • Insects Could Vanish Within a Century
  • Declining: The Dirt Beneath Our Feet
  • Wiping Out the Boreal Forest - Literally
  • Coal Ash: Hazardous to Human Health
  • NRDC Warns of Up to 40% Food Waste
  • Mangroves May Store More Much CO2
  • How Do I Reduce My CO2 Footprint?
  • C’mon Congress - Get the Lead Out
  • Cancer Causing Radon in Your Home
  • How Fracking Threatens Our Water
  • Toxic Release Inventory Program
  • Air Pollution and Its Health Impacts
  • What to Know About Ground Water
  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Ethylene Oxide Exposure
  • Global Sand Mining
  • Reinvent Cement
  • World Oceans Day
  • The Global Safety Net
  • Tropical Deforestation
  • NOAA Carbon Tracker
  • Ocean Plastics Pollution
  • Dirty Water = Dirty Fish
  • The Real Cost of Carbon
  • 16 Must-See Documentaries
  • Going Green When You Go
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  • Your Car's Carbon Footprint
  • Interactive Power Grid Maps
  • Minimizing Pesticide Usage
  • Asbestos Exposure Treatment
  • Micro-plastics Raining Down
  • Diesel School Buses & Health
  • Singapore's Marina Barrage
  • Drinking Water Report Card
  • The Toll s Single-Use Plastics
  • Compare Your City's Pollution
  • What Is Amphibious Architecture?
  • Costa Rica Reversed Deforestation
  • Headed for the Last Roundup®?
  • Head & Shoulders Above the Rest
  • How Your State Makes Electricity
  • Australia’s Ecosystems Collapsing
  • The Goldman Environmental Prize
  • Transportation Emissions in the U.S.
  • Keeping Plastics Out of Our Oceans
  • The World's Most Controversial Tree
  • A Plant in Florida Emits Nitrous Oxide
  • Who's Sueing Who Over Gulf Oil Spill?
  • Coffee With a Side of Microplastics
  • Affect of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells
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    Interactive Map:

    Explore the air quality anywhere in the world
    Air pollution continues to pose one of the biggest threats to human health, with 90% of the global population breathing unsafe air.
    The latest data compiled by IQAir, published in the 2019 World Air Quality Report and the most polluted cities ranking, reveals the changing state of particulate pollution (PM2.5) around the world during 2019.
    The new dataset highlights elevated air pollution levels as a result of climate change events, such as sandstorms and wildfires, and pollution gains from the rapid urbanization of cities, in regions such as Southeast Asia.
    While some achievements have been made in air quality monitoring infrastructure globally, there are still huge gaps in access to data around the world.
    Click the image to see where your atmosphere stands.

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    Oil Spill History
    Site Title

    "Birds and Oil Don't Mix"

    • • The Oilspill That Never Quite Goes Away
      Signs of BP's Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Persist Over a Decade Later


      Aug. 10, 2022, -Though the leak was eventually capped (temporarily in July 2010 and permanently in September 2010), the spill damage and lingering effects didn’t end there. Even more than a decade later, some signs of the environmental catastrophe remain, according to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

    • • Massive Spill Hits Southern California’s Beaches
      About 3,000 Barrels of Oil Leaked from a Broken Pipeline Off the California Coast

      Oct. 3, 2021, (Bloomberg Green)-California beaches in Northern Orange County were closed and wetlands contaminated by a huge oil spill caused by a broken pipeline off the coast.

      About 3,000 barrels of oil leaked from the pipeline and washed up on beaches and wetlands in Huntington Beach, a popular spot for Southern California surfers and beach goers. The beach’s ocean and shoreline have been closed indefinitely, the city said in a statement Sunday.

    • • Mystery: Origin of the Oil Killing Brazilian Sea Turtles?
      Oil Is Killing Brazil’s Turtles
      Where Is It From?

      Oct. 12, 2019  (TIME)- More than a month since oil started washing up on some of Brazil’s most touristic beaches, dotting sand with b lack patches, killing sea turtles and scaring off fishermen, the origin of the crude is still a mystery.

      “We don’t know the oil’s origin, where it came from or how it got here,” Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque said at an offshore exploration auction in Rio de Janeiro on Thursday

      Click now for more details
    • • One Dead in Gulf of Mexico Rig Accident
      One dead in Gulf of Mexico
      Rig Accident - But No Pollution

      July 21, 2019 (UPI) -There is no pollution associated with an explosion on a drilling platform about 12 miles off the coast of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico, a regulator said.

      The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said it was notified by oil and gas operator Fieldwood Energy of an explosion on its Echo Platform.

      Fieldwood said one contract worker was killed and three other employees were treated for injuries at an onshore medical facility.

      Click now for the whole story.
    • • 14-Year-old Oil Leak in Gulf:
      Far Worse Than Taylor Energy Says
      New Estimate for an Oil Leak:
      1,000x Worse Than Rig Owner Says

      June 25, 2020 (NY Times Climate Forward) -A new federal study has found that an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico that began 14 years ago has been releasing as much as 4,500 gallons a day, not three or four gallons a day as the rig owner has claimed.

      The leak, about 12 miles off the Louisiana coast, began in 2004 when a Taylor Energy Company oil platform sank during Hurricane Ivan and a bundle of undersea pipes ruptured. Oil and gas have been seeping from the site ever since.

      Click now to read all about it.
    • • It’s Been Nine Years
      Since the Deepwater Horizon Incident
      Nine Years After Deepwater Horizon

      April 16, 2017 (National Wildlife Federation) - It has been nine years since BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana, killing eleven men and unleashing an 87 day-long torrent of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. National Wildlife Federation has taken an active role in Gulf recovery, advocating for science-based decision-making to benefit wildlife and their habitats as Gulf leaders invest recovery funds into restoration.

      While there are still decades of recovery ahead, significant strides have been made over the last eight years to restore the Gulf for coastal communities and wildlife. As we reflect on the lives lost and the damage wrought, we should also consider how we can prevent a similar disaster from happening in the future.

      Click now for the complete story

    • • Torrey Canyon Oil Spill - Learning From History
      Torrey Canyon Disaster –
      the UK's Worst-Ever Oil
      Spill 50 Years On

      Mar. 18, 2017 (The Guardian) - “I saw this huge ship sailing and I thought he’s in rather close, I hope he knows what he’s doing,” recalled Gladys Perkins of the day 50 years ago, when Britain experienced its worst ever environmental disaster.

      The ship was the Torrey Canyon, one of the first generation of supertankers, and it was nearing the end of a journey from Kuwait to a refinery at Milford Haven in Wales. The BP-chartered vessel ran aground on a rock between the Isles of Scilly and Land’s End in Cornwall, splitting several of the tanks holding its vast cargo of crude oil.

      Click now for the complete story

    • • The Prospect of Cuba Drilling
      In The Gulf Concerns Tampa Bay
      Advocates of Gulf Oil-Drilling
      Ban Worried By Talks With Cuba

      Aug. 18, 2016 (Tampa Bay Times) - Progress in international talks over who owns a piece of the Gulf of Mexico has raised the specter of a Deepwater Horizon tragedy along local shores.

      A few hundred miles from the west coast of Florida is a 7,700-square-mile area of the Gulf of Mexico known as the Eastern Gap, thought to be rich with oil but with no clear owner.

      The U.S., Cuban and Mexican governments are now negotiating how to split the area among the three nations. Once that happens, each country can drill for oil in its allotted portion.

    • • Shell Oil Mimics BP With 90,000 Gal. of Crude
      Shell Oil Spill Dumps Nearly
      90,000 Gallons of Crude Into Gulf

      May 13, 2016 (EcoWatch) -An oil spill from Royal Dutch Shell’s offshore Brutus platform has released 2,100 barrels of crude into the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

      The leak—roughly 88,200 gallons—created a visible 2 mile by 13 mile oil slick in the sea about 97 miles south of Port Fourchon, Louisiana, according to the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

      Officials said that the accident occurred near Shell’s Glider field, an underwater pipe system that connects four subsea oil wells to the Brutus platform, which floats on top of the water with a depth of 2,900 feet.

      Click now for more
      (if you can bear it).

    • • Blowout Highlights Gulf Drilling Dangers
      Blowout Highlights
      Gulf Drilling Dangers

      July 25, 2013 (Mother Nature Network) -Flames erupted from an offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, torching a natural gas plume that had been leaking since a blowout earlier in the day. All 44 rig workers were evacuated before the fire began, according to the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, but the rig continued spewing gas until Thursday morning, when its scorched frame finally collapsed enough to cut off the leak.

      Click now for the whole story.
    • • Obama White House Lifts Deepwater Drilling Ban
      Obama White House Lifts Deepwater Drilling Ban

      Oct. 12, 2010 (CBS News) -The Obama administration on Tuesday lifted the deep water oil drilling moratorium that the government imposed in the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the disastrous BP oil spill.

      The administration has been under heavy pressure from the industry and others in the region to lift the six-month ban on grounds it has cost jobs and damaged the economy. A federal report said the moratorium likely caused a temporary loss of 8,000 to 12,000 jobs in the Gulf region.

      While the temporary ban on exploratory oil and gas drilling is lifted immediately, drilling is unlikely to resume immediately. Drilling companies must meet a host of new safety regulations before they can resume operations, officials said.

      Click now for more
      if you can bear it.
    • • Enter the No-Spin Zone of the Deep: the BP Live Feed
      The No-Spin Zone of the Deep

      June 5, 2010 (Christian Science Monitor) - It was the last thing BP wanted: An open, high-definition live video feed – a "spillcam," if you will – showing in excruciating detail the massive oil geyser fouling the Gulf of Mexico, a situation admittedly caused by the giant extractive firm.

      But after a series of PR disasters – waffling, obfuscating, misplaced optimism, a gaffe-prone CEO – the decision by BP, under pressure from Congress, to put the live feed on the air reaped some unexpected plaudits for the company.

      Click now for the complete
      story from the archives.
    • • Can We Restore the Gulf of Mexico?
      Gulf Oil Spill:
      Dispersants Have Potential
      to Cause More Harm Than Good

      May 11, 2010 (CISTON PR Newswire) -The chemical dispersants being used to break up the oil leaking into the gulf following the explosion of British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig have the potential to cause just as much, if not more, harm to the environment and the humans coming into contact with it than the oil possibly would if left untreated.

      That is the warning of toxicology experts, led by Dr. William Sawyer, addressing the Gulf Oil Disaster Recovery Group, a group of lawyers working to protect the rights and interests of environmental groups and persons affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The group represents the United Fishermen's Association and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN), among others.

      Click now to learn more.
    • • Exxon Valdez: The Story That Never Goes Away
      20 Years After Exxon Valdez
      Oil Spill, Alaskan
      Coastline Remains Contaminated

      Mar. 24, 2009 (Democracy Now) - Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, one of the worst environmental disasters in history. The Exxon Valdez spilled between 11 and 38 million gallons of crude oil into the fishing waters of Prince William Sound.

      The spill contaminated more than 1,200 miles of Alaska’s shoreline and killed hundreds of thousands of seabirds and marine animals. It also dealt a staggering blow to the residents of local fishing towns, and the effects of the disaster are still being felt today. We speak with Riki Ott, a community activist, marine toxicologist, former commercial salmon fisherma’am and author of two books on the spill. Her latest is Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Spill.

      Click now for the story
      deep in the archives.
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    America's Greenest Cities
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    Provided by Mother Nature Network

    # 1 - Portland, Ore

    The city of microbrewery mania and home to megastore Powell's Books — one of the few remaining independent booksellers in the country — is No. 1 in sustainability. Declared the most bikeable city in the United States for its 200 miles of dedicated bike lanes, Portland certainly makes forgoing gas-powered travel easy. And for lessons in DIY sustainable food sources, classes are available for container gardening and cheese making, or beekeeping and chicken keeping.

    # 2 - San Francisco, Cal.

    San Francisco

    Declared by Mayor Gavin Newsom to be America's solar energy leader, this vibrant city of cultural tolerance was a 1960s icon and epicenter for the Summer of Love. But in addition to peace, love and solar power, there's also an innovative recycling program with an artist-in-residence at the recycling facility. The artist uses his work to inspire residents to recycle and conserve. San Francisco is also the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags, a concept that supports its effort to divert 75 percent of landfill waste by 2010.
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    # 3 - Boston, Mass.


    It's hard to think of this city without also thinking of tea — as a commodity, not a drink. Boston ranks high among the urban green elite. Sustainability efforts include a "Green by 2015" goal to replace traditional taxi cabs with hybrid vehicles, recycle trash to power homes, use more solar panels, and use more electric motorbikes for transportation.

    The city's first annual Down2Earth conference was held in 2008. It's designed to educate residents about how to live the most sustainable lifestyle.

    # 4 - Oakland, Calif.


    Residents of this port city have access to an abundance of fresh, organic food, much of which is locally sourced. It's also home to the nation's cleanest tap water, hydrogen-powered public transit and the country's oldest wildlife refuge.

    Oakland also plans to have zero waste and be oil-independent by 2020, and already gets 17 percent of its energy from renewable sources.
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    # 5 - Eugene, Ore.

    Known as the Emerald City for its natural green beauty, this baby boomer haven and second largest city in the state has been doing the "green" thing since the 1960s. In 2008, after only one year of service, the Emerald Express, a hybrid public transit system, won a Sustainable Transport award. Cycling is the preferred mode of transportation, made possible by the 30 miles of off-street bike paths and 29 dedicated bike routes, which total a whopping 150 miles of smog-free travel throughout the metro area.

    # 6 - Cambridge, Mass.


    In 2008, Prevention Magazine named Cambridge "the best walking city." Thoreau's Walden Pond can be found in nearby Concord, and education powerhouses Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University are located here. In 2002, city officials implemented a major climate protection plan and today most city vehicles are fueled by B20 biodiesel or electricity. All new construction or major renovations must meet LEED standards. And a project called "Compost that Stuff" collects and processes organic waste from residents, restaurants, bars and hotels.

    # 7 - Berkeley, Calif.


    A great place to find an abundance of organic and vegetarian restaurants is also on the cutting edge of sustainability. Berkeley is recognized as aleader in the incubation of clean technology for wind power, solar power, biofuels and hydropower.

    # 8 - Seattle, Wash.


    The unofficial coffee klatch capitol of the country is also sustainable-living savvy. More than 20 public buildings in Seattle are LEED-certified or under construction for LEED certification. Through an incentive program, residents are encouraged to install solar panels on their homes for energy conservation. Sustainable Ballard, a green neighborhood group and sustainability festival host, offers ongoing workshops about how to live in harmony with the environment.
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    # 9 - Chicago, Ill.


    The Windy City has embraced land sustainability far longer than you may think. In 1909, pioneering city planner Daniel Hudson Burnham created a long-range plan for the lakefront that balanced urban growth, and created a permanent greenbelt around the metropolitan area.
    This greening of the city continues through the Chicago Green Roof Program. More than 2.5 million SQF city roofs support plant life — including Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) and the city hall building. Also, about 500,000 new trees have been planted.

    # 10 - Austin Tex.


    Carbon neutral by 2020 — it's an ambitious goal, but Austin Energy is the nation's top seller of renewable energy among 850 utility-sponsored programs, which makes its goal to power the city solely on clean energy within reach. As the gateway to the scenic Texas Hill Country, acreage in Austin devoted to green space includes 206 parks, 12 preserves, 26 greenbelts and more than 50 miles of trails.

    Safer Habitats Table of Contents

    (Click on a link below to get the full picture.)

    Clean Air Council Climate Emergency Network Common Dreams Earthworks
    Env. Impact Assessment Environmental Working Group Florida Black Bears Fly California
    Gold Rush vs Salmon Habitat Guardian Sustainable Business Los Angeles Mass Transit Mass.gov
    Sierra Club UNLV Recycling Virginia Dept of Env. Quality Your Cities, Yourselves
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    Organizations for Safer Habitats

    (Click on an image for more of the story)

    The Guardian Sustainable Business

    EWG Logo
    Read articles like "Famers Turn Tobacco into Airplane Fuel," Infographics on Air Pollution and Your Health, Cardboard Boxes You Sleep In, and much, much more.

    Florida Black Bears are in trouble, and they can't hire their own lawyers. -but we can help.

    Gold Rush vs Salmon Habitat

    Transboundary Watershed Map
    Five major mining projects have been proposed for the transboundary watershed – the waters shared by British Columbia and southeast Alaska. The region is home to important salmon producing rivers that originate in British Columbia and run through Alaska to the sea. A number of environmental groups, Alaskan Natives and commercial fishermen strongly oppose some of these mining developments across the border. They argue mining could have negative impacts on the salmon and water quality, and irrevocably alter the region's economy, environment and way of life

    Environmental Working Group

    EWG Logo
    Two-thirds of produce samples in recent government tests had pesticide residues. Don't want to eat bug- and weed-killers? EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce helps you shop smart. We highlight the cleanest and dirtiest conventionally-raised fruits and vegetables. If a conventionally grown food you want tests high for pesticides, go for the organic version instead. And remember - the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh risks of pesticide exposure. Dirty Dozen™ Plus highlights hot peppers and leafy greens - kale and collard greens - often tainted with unusually hazardous pesticides.
    Earhworks Logo
    Hydraulic Fracturing (AKA Fracking). Another assault to the environment for which we can thank Haliburton and others. Read all about this extreme method of natural gas extraction , and its impact on water quality and other serious health issues (human and other species). Click the Earthworks icon to learn more.
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    100 Coal Plants Unplugged. This Sierra Club milestone, 100 coal plants defeated, marks a significant shift in the way Americans are looking at our energy choices. Read on and/or view video.
    What Massachusetts is doing about Climate Change?
    Flooded Village Files Suit, Citing Corporate Link to Climate Change.
    The eroding village of Kivalina in the Northwest Arctic is suing Exxon Mobil and 23 other energy companies for damage related to global warming.  Read all about it.
    This is the web page for Climate Emergency Network news.
    Click now to get there.
    Impact reports for the high speed rail system. You can fly California without leaving the ground, or the carbon footprint associated with air travel. Includes maps of the extensive rail system. ALL ABOARD!

    The Cape Wind Project will bring clean energy to Nantucket Sound. The project has been delayed by NIMBY (not in my back yard) issues by some who claim to be environmentalists.
    An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the likely positive and/or negative influence a project may have on the environment. “Environmental Impact Assessment can be defined as: The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made.”[1] The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision-makers consider environmental impacts before deciding whether to proceed with new projects.
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    EIR + Facts about the Los Angeles Metro - yes, L.A. has a mass transit system. Also read about the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

    Your Cities, Yourselves

    Smart-growth advocates offer tips for changing your neck of the woods.

    Virginia Dept. of
    Environmental Quality

    The Office of Environmental Impact Review coordinates the Commonwealth's response to environmental documents for proposed state and federal projects. The environmental impact review staff distributes documents to appropriate state agencies, planning districts and localities for their review and comment. Upon consideration of all comments, the staff prepares a single state response.
    Discover how Networkfleet can help lower fleet fuel costs and greenhouse emissions with technology that combines GPS vehicle tracking with onboard engine diagnostics.
    Monitoring the environmental impact of Pennsylvania's energy generation. A steward in validating the state's compliance with the Clean Air Act. What happens in Pennsylvania doesn't necessarily stay in Pennsylvania.
    Between 2003 and 2006, the UNLV Rebel Recycling Program recycled 2,144.5 tons of materials. Paper/Fiber (cardboard, paper, books) recycled was 1,641.6 tons. The diversion of these materials from the Apex landfill to the manufacturing process resulted in a positive impact on the global environment. Click on the logo for more.
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    Companies Producing Cleaner Power

    (More companies will be
    added to this page shortly)

    1366 One Step Closer to
    Opening US Solar PV Wafer Facility

    1366 Technologies Logo

    Solar silicon wafer innovator 1366 Technologies has landed new funding led by newest partner Tokayama, and is ready to scale up to a 250-MW production line ahead of an anticipated upswing in demand.
    Ten months ago 1366 moved into a new 25-MW pilot facility in Bedford, Massachusetts, to nail down process and tweak equipment for its solar silicon wafering technology to take the next step toward commercialization. In June of 2013 the firm inked a R&D deal with Japanese silicon producer Tokuyama with hints that it could expand to an equity investment.

    Clearsign Logo

    What if a cost-effective air pollution control technology could actually increase energy efficiency? What if it were possible to prevent harmful emissions from the combustion of any fuel, including gas, biomass, coal — even tire-derived fuel and municipal solid waste — in the flame, before those pollutants were ever formed?

    Redox Power Systems Logo

    The executives at Fulton-based Redox Power Systems are making a bold bet: The homes and businesses of the future will be powered by an extraterrestrial-looking apparatus loaded with fuel cells that convert natural gas and air into electricity.
    The technology promises to be more efficient and environmentally friendly than the systems that power many buildings today, but the company has to first overcome the economic and social barriers that often beset renewable energy ventures.
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    Mesothelioma is a Disease Brought
    On By Exposure to Asbestos

    Disclaimer: There are many sites that focus on treatment, but we lack the credentials to recommend the best ones*. We've provded a short list:

    *Always consult with a professional
    before making your choice.