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Page Updated:
July 16, 2024

• Government. Agencies     • Environmental Action
• The Fading Solar Tax Credit  

Governmental News (Latest Stories First) - In the Last Six Months

  • • Baltimore Judge Tosses Climate Case
    Hands Win to Big Oil


    July 13, 2024 -In a first of its kind decision, a Maryland judge on Wednesday tossed Baltimore City’s climate suit against major oil giants on the grounds that it is not the role of the state courts to address a global issue like climate change.

    Originally filed in 2018, the lawsuit is one of more than a dozen similar cases against powerful oil companies including Chevron, Exxon and BP that are winding through courts across the nation.

  • • FEMA Imposes Limits on Building in Flood Plains
    Climate Change Growth is the Reason


    July 10, 2024 -The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will take new steps to ensure that the structures it funds — including schools, hospitals, police stations, libraries, sewage treatment plants and bridges — are protected from flooding.

    The agency said Wednesday that projects constructed with FEMA money must be built in a way that prevents flood damage, whether by elevating them above the expected height of a flood or, if that’s not feasible, by building in a safer location.

  • • Biden Announces New Heat Protections for Workers
    Calls Climate Denial ‘Dumb’


    July 2, 2024 -President Biden on Tuesday called denying the effects of climate change “really, really dumb” and said that extreme heat and other weather disasters fueled by rising global temperatures have cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives.

    “Ignoring climate change is deadly and dangerous and irresponsible,” Mr. Biden said. He warned that temperatures have already shattered records this summer, and are expected to climb, as he proposed new protections for workers exposed to dangerous heat on the job.

  • • What the Court’s Chevron Ruling Could Mean
    It's Expected to Prompt a Rush of Litigation Challenging Regulations Across the Entire Federal Government, From Food
    Safety to the Environment


    June 28, 2024 -The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to limit the broad regulatory authority of federal agencies could lead to the elimination or weakening of thousands of rules on the environment, health care, worker protection, food and drug safety, telecommunications, the financial sector and more.

    Click now for the rest of the story.

  • • Pushing FEMA to Recognize
    Extreme Heat as a ‘Major Disaster’
    Dozens of Groups Join the Fray


    June 17, 2024 -Dozens of environmental, labor and health care groups banded together on Monday to file a petition to push the Federal Emergency Management Agency to declare extreme heat and wildfire smoke as “major disasters,” like floods and tornadoes.

    The petition is a major push to get the federal government to help states and local communities that are straining under the growing costs of climate change.

  • • Michigan's Program Connects Large
    Clean Energy Projects to Federal Funding
    Several Groups Will
    Benefit Significantly


    May 20, 2024 -The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Programs Office (LPO) has designated EGLE and MEDC as State Energy Financing Institutions (SEFI), Whitmer announced Friday. This means the two organizations will be permitted to use federal dollars to supplement state clean energy projects that help meet federal energy goals without some restrictions on the types of projects that would otherwise be ineligible.

    “We can ensure federal resources flow for large-scale, clean energy and economic development projects right here in Michigan,” Whitmer told the crowd of environmental stakeholders at the conference in Lansing. “These funds could help make factories cleaner, build electric vehicle chargers, energy storage facilities, wind turbines and solar arrays. And I’m also so excited that we’re going to get this done and I can’t wait for all of you to start using this new program.”

  • • White House Finalizes Reforms to Environmental Reviews
    This Will Speed Up Permitting


    Apr. 30, 2024 -The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has finalized a rule to reform, simplify, and modernize the federal environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

    The new rule will build on more than $1 billion from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to expedite federal agency permitting, the President’s Permitting Action Plan, and other permitting reforms occurring across the Administration to help accelerate environmental reviews. Together, these reforms are meant to help accelerate permitting for everything from wildfire management and electric vehicle charging infrastructure to high-speed internet and semiconductor manufacturing.

  • • Biden Protects Millions of Acres of Alaskan Wilderness
    Drilling and Mining are Suspended


    Apr. 19, 2024 -The Biden administration expanded federal protections across millions of acres of Alaskan wilderness on Friday, blocking oil, gas and mining operations in some of the most unspoiled land in the country.

    The Interior Department said it would deny a permit for an industrial road that the state of Alaska had wanted to build through the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in order to reach a large copper deposit with an estimated value of $7.5 billion. It also announced it would ban drilling in more than half of the 23-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, an ecologically sensitive expanse north of the Arctic Circle.

  • • Polluters May Be Forced to
    Clean Up These ‘Forever Chemicals’
    This Will Be For the First Time


    Apr.19, 2024 - The Biden administration on Friday moved to force polluters to clean up two of the most pervasive forms of “forever chemicals,” designating them as hazardous substances under the nation’s Superfund law.

    The long-awaited rule from the Environmental Protection Agency could mean billions of dollars of liabilities for major chemical manufacturers and users of certain types of compounds known as polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.

  • • New Public Lands Rule
    Regulations that Will Guide Balanced Management of America's Public Lands Now and For the Future

    (BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT), Apr. 18, 2024, -The Public Lands Rule will help safeguard the health of our public lands for current and future generations by ensuring that we:
    • protect clean water and wildlife habitat
    • restore lands and waters that need it, and
    • make informed management decisions based on science, data and Indigenous knowledge.

  • • Carbon Offsets Don't Always Work
    Inside the Race to Fix Them


    Apr.17, 2024 - They are marketed as a solution for companies and consumers looking to erase their carbon footprint, with promises that money spent on “offsets” will go to projects that mitigate greenhouse gas, like tree planting or land preservation.

    But this global network of loosely monitored credits is in chaos. Lack of oversight, inadequate scientific review and faulty accounting have left the voluntary offset market awash in credits that studies conclude are not coming close to canceling out the level of emissions claimed, and often not erasing any.

  • • Environmental Protection Agency
    Gives $20 Billion in ‘Green Bank’ Grants
    The E.P.A. Said the Fund Will Spur a Clean Energy Transition in Overlooked Communities


    Apr. 4, 2024 -When Marcus Jones and his business partner, Akunna Olumba, set out to open a pizzeria in Detroit, they spoke with banks about their green vision: solar panels on the roof, an energy-efficient tankless water heater and a rooftop system to capture storm water.

    The pair connected with a so-called green bank, one of a growing number of entities that lend money to businesses and individuals for equipment or technology that reduces the pollution driving climate change.

  • • Some Countries Are Spurning Cars
    The U.S. Is Not One of Them


    Mar. 30, 2024 -The billions add up: $3.7 billion for an expansion of the I-15 highway in Utah; up to $4 billion for the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway; and $16 billion for the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway.

    The U.S. continues to fund and expand highways, even as some parts of the world invest in greener infrastructure over concerns about global warming and amid a broader movement away from cars.

  • • America's Flawed Lithium Development
    It's Failing to Keep Pace


    Mar. 25, 2024 -Washington's drive to make the United States a major global lithium producer is being held back by a confusing mix of state regulations that are deterring developers and hampering efforts to break China's control of the critical minerals sector.

    Across Texas, Louisiana and other mineral-rich states, it's unclear who owns the millions of metric tons of lithium locked in salty brines underneath U.S. soils, how the battery metal should be valued by regulators and who ultimately should pay to process it into a form usable by manufacturers.

  • • The Growing Market for Green Tax Credits
    Biden’s Climate Law is Credited


    Mar. 19, 2024 -The climate law that President Biden signed in 2022 has created a large and growing market for companies to buy and sell clean-energy tax credits, new Treasury Department data suggests, creating opportunities for start-ups to raise money for projects like wind farms and solar panel installations.

    The market also provides new opportunities for large companies and financial firms to make money.

  • • Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review
    Performance Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources

    (FEDERAL REGISTER), Mar. 8, 2024, The EPA is finalizing multiple actions to reduce air pollution emissions from the Crude Oil and Natural Gas source category. First, the EPA is finalizing revisions to the new source performance standards (NSPS) regulating greenhouse gases (GHGs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions for the Crude Oil and Natural Gas source category pursuant to the Clean Air Act (CAA).

    Click now to learn more.

  • • Sueing E.P.A. Over New Limits on Deadly Pollution
    Nearly Half the
    States Are Doing Just That


    Mar. 6, 2024 -Manufacturers and 24 states sued the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday over the Biden administration’s decision to tighten limits on fine industrial particles, one of the most common and deadliest forms of air pollution.

    The state lawsuits are led by Republican attorneys general and argue that the E.P.A. overstepped its authority last month when it lowered the annual limits for fine particulate matter to nine micrograms per cubic meter of air, down from the current standard of 12 micrograms.

  • • A Carbon Tax Is Back on the Table
    Things Could Get
    Wackier in Washington

    (Heat Map News), Mar. 4, 2024, Climate policy has been all over the place lately thanks to pressure from interest groups, pre-election jitters, and the plausibility of a re-elected President Donald Trump laying waste to existing climate policy.But further in the future, beyond the ups and downs of electoral politics, there’s a policy cataclysm coming that, some hope, could create an opening for that long sought, always denied dream of climate policy: the carbon tax.

  • • European Parliament's Watered-
    Down Law to Restore Nature
    Target is to Restore at Least 20% of Land and Sea Ecosystems by 2030 Despite Farmers’ Protests and Rightwing Opposition


    Feb. 27, 2024 - The European parliament has given the green light to a watered-down law to restore nature, after weeks of fierce protests from farmers and a last-ditch attempt from rightwing parties threatened to sink the deal.

    Learn more by clicking now.

  • • Eyeing a Potential Win with New York Packaging Bill
    It Takes Aim At Single-Use Plastic, While Seeking to Remake Waste Management and Recycling in NYC


    Feb. 20, 2024 -New York lawmakers appear poised to pass a new packaging reduction and recycling bill that would fundamentally reshape how single-use plastic waste is managed in the state.

    It’s meant to take a big bite out of 20 million New Yorkers’ contributions to the global plight of pollution from single-use plastics, which constitute about 40 percent of all plastic waste.

  • • Slowing the Shift to Electric Vehicles
    The Biden Administration
    is Considering It


    Feb. 18, 2024 -The Environmental Protection Agency is considering relaxing one of its most significant climate change rules — tailpipe emissions limits for cars and trucks — by giving automakers more time to boost sales of electric vehicles, according to two people familiar with the matter.

    Click now for the complete story.

  • • Lab-Made Meat?
    Florida Lawmakers Don’t
    Like the Sound of It


    Feb. 17, 2024 - Start-up companies around the world are competing to develop technologies for producing chicken, beef, salmon and other options without the need to raise and slaughter animals. China has made the development of the industry a priority. In the United States, the Department of Agriculture has given initial blessings to two producers.

    Now, a measure in Florida that would ban sales of laboratory-grown meat has gained widespread attention beyond state borders.

  • • Reigning In Air Pollution in Western Pennsylvania
    New EPA Rule Could Do Just That

    AF Logo

    Feb. 8, 2024 -The EPA is cutting the allowable level of soot pollution in the air by 25%: The finalized rule means that air quality in parts of Allegheny County, including the Mon Valley, would be out of compliance, based on 2021 data from the Allegheny County Health Department.

    Exposure to fine particles in the air has long-term health implications, including lung cancer and heart disease. The Biden administration said the new standard will prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays, yielding up to $46 billion in net health benefits by 2032.

  • • States Leading In Grid Modernization
    A Total of 774 Grid Modernization Actions Were Taken During 2023


    Feb. 2, 2024 -All 50 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico, took actions related to grid modernization during 2023, with the greatest number of actions relating to energy storage deployment, utility business model reforms, distribution system planning, energy storage interconnection rules, and performance-based regulation, according to a new report.

    Click now to learn more.

  • • Solar In the Western U.S.
    It Could Get A Whole
    Lot Easier to Build


    Jan. 26, 2024 -The Biden administration has outlined a plan to streamline the development of solar projects on 22 million acres of land managed by the federal government. It’s part of a series of reforms of BLM management of public lands.

    Click now for more.

  • • U.S. Navy's Staggering Pollution in the Potomac
    Advocates Celebrate
    a Legal Win Against It


    Jan. 25, 2024 -Petitioners want strong regulatory safeguards built into the pollution discharge permit, which the Navy has agreed to obtain after more than a century of unchecked weapons testing in the Potomac River, in violation of the Clean Water Act.

    Click now to learn more.

  • • White House Said Delays Decision
    on Enormous Natural Gas Export Terminal
    It Needs to Be
    Fully Analyzed First


    Jan. 24, 2024 -The Biden administration is pausing a decision on whether to approve what would be the largest natural gas export terminal in the United States, a delay that could stretch past the November election and spell trouble for that project and 16 other proposed terminals, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

    Click now for more on this story.

  • • FEMA Administrator Announces Sweeping
    Changes to Disaster Assistance Program
    Making it Easier for Survivors to Receive Assistance

    Jan. 22, 2024, (FEMA) -Last week, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell announced the most comprehensive updates to FEMA's Individual Assistance Program in the past 20 years. After seeing how the limitations of federal assistance have delayed disaster recovery for too many, especially for those who are disproportionately affected by disasters, the Biden-Harris Administration was determined to make changes to help reach more people.

  • • The Pentagon Will Install Rooftop Solar Panels
    This, as Biden Pushes
    Clean Energy in Federal Buildings


    Jan. 19, 2024 -The Defense Department will install solar panels on the Pentagon, part of the Biden administration’s plan to promote clean energy and “reestablish the federal government as a sustainability leader.”

    The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites that are receiving $104 million in Energy Department grants that are expected to double the amount of carbon-free electricity at federal facilities and create 27 megawatts of clean-energy capacity while leveraging more than $361 million in private investment, the Energy Department said.

  • • Northern Ireland ‘Dirty Corner of Europe’
    Due to a Lack of Governance


    Jan. 19, 2024 -Northern Ireland’s environment is unlikely to benefit from higher EU standards because the country already flouts the existing rules, leaving it in a “grossly degraded” state, experts have said.

    The region may escape a post-Brexit erosion of UK environmental law but still suffer grave environmental damage because of governance failures, they warned.

  • • New EPA Rule Could Save 4,200 Lives a Year
    Industry Warns it Could Cost Biden His Reelection


    Jan. 19, 2024 -The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to significantly strengthen limits on fine particle matter, one of the nation’s most widespread deadly air pollutants, even as industry groups warn that the standard could erase manufacturing jobs across the country.

    Click now to learn more.

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  • • Petro Chemicals and Supreme Court Actions
    It Could Sharply Curtail the Government’s Regulatory Authority


    Jan. 16, 2024 -The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Wednesday that, on paper, are about a group of commercial fishermen who oppose a government fee that they consider unreasonable. But the lawyers who have helped to propel their case to the nation’s highest court have a far more powerful backer: the petrochemicals billionaire Charles Koch.

    Click now all about it.

  • • Appalachian Manufacturers
    Sought for Clean Energy Economy
    A Grant Will
    Aid With the Recruitment


    Jan. 4, 2024 -As federal incentives spur a wave of new domestic clean energy manufacturing, economic boosters in Ohio and neighboring states see an opportunity to “Make it in Appalachia.”

    A virtual summit this month will serve as part of public kickoff efforts to identify and support small and medium manufacturers in the region so they can play a role in the growing clean energy economy.

  • • The Void in Federal Regulation of Hazardous Chemicals
    Washington Law Attempts to Fill It


    Jan. 1, 2024 -With a years-long backlog in the U.S. government’s risk assessments of thousands of potentially hazardous chemicals, the new law requires companies to disclose what chemicals are used in their products.

    A new act implemented earlier this year in Washington has banned five chemical classes in 10 product categories throughout the state, making it the nation’s strongest law regulating toxic chemicals in products.

  • • Grants For Solid-State Power Modules Research
    University of Arkansas Receives One


    Dec. 29, 2023 -Researchers at the University of Arkansas will receive $2.9 million from the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy(ARPA-E) to develop solid-state power modules for the electric power grid and electrified transportation.

    The funding is part of ARPA-E’s Unlocking Lasting Transformative Resiliency Advances by Faster Actuation of Power Semiconductor Technologies program, which aims to improve control and protection of the domestic power grid.

  • • Utah's Management of the Great Salt Lake
    Lawsuits Looking to Be Dropped

    Dec. 22, 2023, [Standard-Examiner] -Three Utah agencies are seeking to drop a lawsuit filed against them earlier this year over their management of the Great Salt Lake, arguing that the lawsuit “lacks subject matter jurisdiction,” among other things.

    Lawyers for the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Division of Water Rights and Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands filed separate motions to dismiss the lawsuit in 3rd District Court on Wednesday. Multiple environmental organizations filed the litigation in September, asserting the agencies aren’t doing enough to get water to the struggling Great Salt Lake, which may have future environmental ramifications.

  • • Threats to Property, Groundwater,
    Wildlife and Livestock Across Texas
    Thousands of Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills Are the Cause


    Dec. 22, 2023 -From the Texon Scar to the Sabine River, produced water spills have impacted soil, contaminated water resources and killed wildlife. But the Railroad Commission of Texas has resisted new regulations.

    Click now to learn more.

  • • An Alabama Landfill Has Repeatedly
    Violated State Environmental Laws
    State Regulators Waited Almost 20 Years to Crack Down


    Dec. 21, 2023 -Only after an underground landfill fire did regulators begin stepping up environmental enforcement. Will it be enough to stop the next disaster?

    Click now for the rest of the story.


  • • History of the Clean Water Act
    History of the Clean Water Act

    Sep. 12, 2019  (EPA)- The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was the first major U.S. law to address water pollution. Growing public awareness and concern for controlling water pollution led to sweeping amendments in 1972. As amended in 1972, the law became commonly known as the Clean Water Act (CWA).

    The 1972 amendments:

    Established basic structure for regulating discharges into the waters of the U.S.
    Gave EPA the authority including setting wastewater standards for industry
    Maintained requirements for water quality standards
    Illegalized discharge any pollutant into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained under its provisions
    Funded the construction of sewage treatment plants
    Recognized the need for planning to address the critical source pollution problems

  • • Is Ethanol Really a Good Idea?
    Food Vs. Fuel: What
    Trump's Ethanol Policy
    Means For The Food System

    Forbes Magazine -The EPA moved forward with President Trump’s directive to lift a federal ban on high ethanol blended gas during the summer months, though not quickly enough for Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who Reuters reports is urging the EPA to lift the ban on a much quicker timeline.

    Lifting the ban is a policy shift that’s being celebrated by large-scale corn growers and decried by biofuel opponents. But the policy has implications for the food system too, as many food system reformers say the last thing U.S. farmers should be growing is more corn.

  • • EPA to Halt Fuel Economy Standards
    California Getting Ready
    to Fight Back

    Mar. 29, 2018 - The Trump administration is poised to abandon America's pioneering fuel economy targets for cars and SUVs, a move that would undermine one of the world's most aggressive programs to confront climate change and invite another major confrontation with California.

    The EPA is expected to announce in the coming days that it will scrap mileage targets the Obama administration drafted in tandem with California that aim to boost average fuel economy for passenger cars and SUVs to 55 miles per gallon by 2025, according to people familiar with the plans.

  • • The E.P.A is a Sinking Ship
    E.P.A. Officials,
    Disheartened by Agency’s
    Direction, Are Leaving in Droves

    Dec. 22, 2018 - More than 700 people have left the Environmental Protection Agency since President Trump took office, a wave of departures that puts the administration nearly a quarter of the way toward its goal of shrinking the agency to levels last seen during the Reagan administration.

  • • How Low Can the EPA Go?
    EPA Reverses Policy on
    'Major Sources' of Pollution

    Jan. 25, 2018 - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday it was withdrawing a provision of the Clean Air Act that requires a major source of pollution like a power plant to always be treated as a major source, even if it makes changes to reduce emissions.

    The decision to withdraw the "once-in always-in" policy is part of President Donald Trump's effort to roll back federal regulations and was sought by utilities, the petroleum industry and others. Never mind about the health of the American people.

  • • Trump Imposed Tariffs on PV Imports
    30% Tariff Disappoints
    Trade Industry

    Jan. 22, 2018 - Trump has agreed to a recommendation by the International Trade Commission (ITC) to grant U.S. solar manufacturers relief from unfair trade practices in the form of tariffs on solar cells and modules imported to the U.S.

    This will hurt the solar industry which currently employs over 250,000 workers.

  • • Fed. Compromise on Anti-PACE Law
    Industry, Lawmakers Compromise
    on Anti-Property Assessed
    Clean Energy Legislation

    Dec. 27, 2017 - A financing program that’s let more than 180,000 homeowners pay for solar panels and clean-energy appliances through their local tax bills is poised to survive an effort by Republicans to add regulations that would have effectively shut it down.

  • • The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
    Summary of the National
    Environmental Policy Act

    Originally Passed in 1968 (EPA) — NEPA was one of the first laws ever written that establishes the broad national framework for protecting our environment. NEPA's basic policy is to assure that all branches of government give proper consideration to the environment prior to undertaking any major federal action that significantly affects the environment.

    NEPA requirements are invoked when airports, buildings, military complexes, highways, parkland purchases, and other federal activities are proposed. Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), which are assessments of the likelihood of impacts from alternative courses of action, are required from all Federal agencies and are the most visible NEPA requirements.

    Click now for more,
    including a history of this act.

  • • Shouldn’t We Abolish Fossil Fuel Subsidies?
    America Spends Over $20Bn Per
    Year On Fossil Fuel Subsidies.

    July 30, 2018 (The Guardian) -Imagine that instead of taxing cigarettes, America subsidized the tobacco industry in order to make each pack of smokes cheaper.

    A report from Oil Change International (OCI) investigated American energy industry subsidies and found that in 2015–2016, the federal government provided $14.7bn per year to the oil, gas, and coal industries, on top of $5.8bn of state-level incentives (globally, the figure is around $500bn). And the report only accounted for production subsidies, excluding consumption subsidies (support to consumers to lower the cost of fossil fuel use – another $14.5bn annually) as well as the costs of carbon and other fossil fuel pollutants.

  • • The D.O.E. Solar Decathlon
    How To Shine In The Solar Village

    October 6, 2017 - At noon Eastern Standard Time today — the second day of competition for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon in Denver — the Northwestern University team was sitting in first place, according to scores released on the competition website.

    The Solar Village, where all 13 teams’ houses are standing for the competition, is now open to the public.

    With scoring under way on three of the 10 competition categories — Heath & Comfort, Appliances, and Home Life — Northwestern was tied with Swiss Team and UC Berkeley/U of Denver on the three segments in Health & Comfort — temperature, humidity and indoor air quality.

  • • Budget Slashed for Clean Energy
    Trump’s Budget Expected
    to Massively Slash Research
    On Renewable Energy
    — And ‘Clean Coal’

    May 18, 2017 -The Trump administration is expected to propose massive cuts to federal government research on wind and solar energy next week, according to current and former Energy Department officials familiar with budget discussions.

    The department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), which funds research on advanced vehicles as well as other aspects of clean energy, would face a roughly 70 percent cut in 2018, carving about $ 1.45 billion from its $2.09 billion 2017 budget.

  • • The SunShot Initiative
    What is the SunShot Initiative?

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office focuses on achieving the goals of the SunShot Initiative, which seeks to make solar energy cost-competitive with other forms of electricity by the end of the decade.

  • • The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
    Notes from the Solar Underground:
    US Solar’s Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    The global solar industry relies on mandate. Let's hope it doesn't go away.

  • • Carbon Tax Center
    What is the Carbon Tax Center?

    Why revenue-neutral carbon taxes are essential,what’s happening now, and how you can help.

    In a carbon-constrained world, a permanent U.S. carbon tax is essential to reduce emissions that drive global warming.

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Federal, state and local agencies that can assist
with your questions about renewable energy, environmental
protection, tax credits, rebate incentives and more.

(Scroll Down to See the Whole List)

Governmental Agencies

Federal Agencies


The Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management

BOEM offshore leasing and operations are governed by a wide variety of laws, regulations, and other communications with the offshore industry.
The Bureau enforces compliance with these regulations and periodically updates rules to reflect advancements in technology and new information. This section provides access to BOEM rules, regulations, and guidance to the offshore industry.

Combined Heat and Power Partnership

 CHP Logo
The CHP Partnership is a voluntary program seeking to reduce the environmental impact of power generation by promoting the use of CHP. The Partnership works closely with energy users, the CHP industry, state and local governments, and other clean energy stakeholders to facilitate the development of new projects and to promote their environmental and economic benefits.

Energy Resources Program

Geothermal Energy

 USGS Logo
Geothermal energy is a significant source of renewable electric power in the western United States and, with advances in exploration and development technologies, a potential source of a large fraction of baseload electric power for the entire country. The USGS Geothermal Resource Investigations Project is focused on advancing geothermal research through a better understanding of geothermal resources and the impacts of geothermal development. This is achieved by applying a wide range of research methods to characterize resource occurrences, perform monitoring, and develop resource assessments. The project team works closely with a number of external collaborators from federal and state agencies, academia and industry on projects throughout the US and internationally (provide link to map of field study areas).

The Solar Energy
Technologies Program

(Dept. of Energy)

The Solar Energy Technologies Program focuses on developing cost-effective solar energy technologies that have the greatest potential to benefit the nation and the world. A growing solar industry also stimulates our economy by creating jobs in solar manufacturing and installation. See also the SunShot Initiative which strives to make solar competitive with fossil fuels by 2020.



National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration

 NOAA Logo
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a scientific agency within the United States Department of Commerce focused on the conditions of the oceans and the atmosphere. NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts seas and skies, guides the use and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve understanding and stewardship of the environment.

National Renewable
Energy Laboratory

 NREL Logo
Focusing on creative answers to today's energy challenges.
From fundamental science and energy analysis to validating new products for the commercial market, NREL researchers are dedicated to transforming the way the world uses energy.
With more than 35 years of successful innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy, today our discoveries provide sustainable alternatives for powering our homes, businesses, and our transportation system.


U.S. Dept. of Environmental Protection

EPA had employed 17,000 people across the country, including headquarters offices in Washington, DC, 10 regional offices, and more than a dozen labs.

Staff were technically trained; more than half were engineers, scientists, and policy analysts. In addition, a large number of employees are legal, public affairs,financial, information management and computer specialists.

Michael S. Regan was sworn in as the 16th Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency on March 11, 2021, becoming the first Black man and second person of color to lead the U.S. EPA.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to waters of the United States.

Created in 1972 by the Clean Water Act, the NPDES permit program is authorized to state governments by EPA to perform many permitting, administrative, and enforcement aspects of the program.


State Agencies

The California Solar Initiative - CSI

 Go Solar Logo
The California Solar Initiative offers cash back for installing solar on your home or business.
The state strives to create megawatts of new solar-generated electricity, moving it towards a clean energy future.
And you can help!

Join the thousands of home and business owners who have earned cash back rebates by installing solar energy systems through the California Solar Initiative. Customers earn cash rebates for every watt of solar energy installed on homes, businesses, farms, schools, and government and non-profit organizations.

Connecticut Energy and
Environmental Protection

Connectivut Environental Symboldd>
In charge of conserving, improving and protecting the state's natural resources and environment. Promotes the supply of clean, affordable and reliable energy.






State Agencies (continued)

Database of State Incentives
for Renewable and Efficiency

Overview of Florida's state rebate program. Applies to Commercial, Residential, Nonprofit, Schools, Local Government, State Government, Fed. Government, Multi-Family Residential, Institutional. Also covers other states' similar incentive programs.

Florida Dept. of
Environmental Protection

The lead agency for environmental management and stewardship and is one of the more diverse agencies in state government, protecting air, water, and land. It is divided into three primary areas: Regulatory Programs, Land and Recreation and Planning and Management.


Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency

Illinois EPA Logo
This site covers all aspects of the environment in the state.
Use the link to report violations of air and water quality rules and regulations.


Maine Department of
Environmental Protection

Maine Dept of Env Protection Logo
The DEP is responsible for protecting and restoring Maine's natural resources and enforcing the state's environmental laws.
The agency can trace its roots back to the Sanitary Water Board that was created in 1941. The purpose of that Board was to study, investigate, recommend means of eliminating and preventing pollution in waters used for recreational purposes.
The Board was renamed the Water Improvement Commission in 1951. In 1969, the Commission's title was abbreviated to the Environmental Improvement Commission.

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Massachusetts Department
of Environmental Protection

Massacheusetts EPA Logo
The Department of Environmental Protection is the state agency responsible for ensuring clean air and water, the safe management of toxins and hazards, the recycling of solid and hazardous wastes, the timely cleanup of hazardous waste sites and spills, and the preservation of wetlands and coastal resources.


NJ Board of Public Utilities

A regulatory authority with a statutory mandate to ensure safe, adequate, and proper utility services at reasonable rates for customers in New Jersey.

NJ Department of
Environmental Protection

NJ Dept Env. Protection Logo
On America's first official "Earth Day" — April 22, 1970, the NJ DEP was born. It became the third state to consolidate its past programs into a unified major agency to administer aggressive environmental protection and conservation efforts.
Since then it began a role to manage natural resources and solve pollution problems. In what started with about 1,400 employees in five divisions, NJDEP now has a staff of approximately 2,900 and is a leader in the country for its pollution prevention efforts and innovative environmental management strategies.

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NYSERDA’s earliest efforts focused solely on research and development with the goal of reducing the State’s petroleum consumption. Subsequent research and development projects focused on topics including environmental effects of energy consumption, development of renewable resources, and advancement of innovative technologies. Check the website for funding opportunities and other incentives to go green.



Ohio EPA

State of Ohio Logo
Their mission is to protect the environment and public health by ensuring compliance with environmental laws and demonstrating leadership in environmental stewardship.

Oregon Department
of Environmental Quality

Oregon Government Logo
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is a regulatory agency whose job is to protect the quality of Oregon's environment. Well, YEAH!



PA Department of
Environmental Protection

PA Dept of Env Protection Logo
Responsible for administering Pennsylvania's environmental laws and regulations. They work to reduce air pollution, insure water quality, and more.


Sarasota County (Fla.) Government

Roadmap to Sustainability.

Sarasota County government is committed to environmental, cultural and economic sustainability. This means:
  Replenish the resources we use or consume.
  Ensuring our values guide us into the future.
  Investing in our community to ensure future prosperity.
To achieve the balance necessary for a sustainable community, our programs and services must be economically viable, environmentally sound and socially equitable.

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