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The Pros and Cons
of Nuclear Energy

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Page Updated:
July 23, 2024

• Nuclear Industry News
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• Nuclear Plant
Accident Timeline
Events to Make You
Distrust Nuclear Power:

Read the BBC account of the varous nuclear accidents beginning in 1957.

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Nuclear Power or Nuclear Danger News - In the Past Year
(Latest Stories First)

  • • The Nuclear Disaster Few Outside
    the Navajo Nation Remember
    The Church Rock Spill Released More Radioactive Material than the Partial Meltdown at Three Mile Island Four Months Earlier


    July 20, 2024 -As Tony Hood walked along New Mexico Highway 566 last Saturday, he thought about where he was 45 years earlier, when an earthen dam broke at the site of a uranium mill operated by the United Nuclear Corp., releasing 94 million gallons of radioactive water and 1,100 tons of uranium waste across portions of New Mexico, Arizona and the Navajo Nation.

    Hood was working inside a nearby underground mine owned by the Kerr-McGee Corp. when the dam broke on July 16, 1979. He didn’t learn about the spill until after returning to the surface.

  • • Advanced Nuclear Reactors Need
    a Different Type of Uranium
    What We Need to Know


    July 5, 2024 -Nuclear power of the future is going to need fuel. That has governments, energy companies and nuclear engineers clamoring to get their hands on HALEU: high-assay low-enriched uranium.

    HALEU (pronounced like “Hey, Lou”) was previously a niche material, used mainly in nuclear reactors conducting scientific research. But now, multiple companies in the United States have proposed newfangled types of nuclear reactors that they claim will generate electric power more efficiently and safely.

  • • AI is Exhausting the Power Grid
    Tech Firms Seeking a Miracle Solution


    June 21, 2024 -The mighty Columbia River has helped power the American West with hydroelectricity since the days of FDR’s New Deal. But the artificial intelligence revolution will demand more. Much more.

    So near the river’s banks in central Washington, Microsoft is betting on an effort to generate power from atomic fusion — the collision of atoms that powers the sun — a breakthrough that has eluded scientists for the past century. Physicists predict it will elude Microsoft, too.

  • • PSE&G Wants a Subsidiary to Fund
    Wildfire Mitigation Electrification
    PG&E Seeks Approval to Transfer Its Non-Nuclear Power Generation Assets to a Newly Formed Subsidiary, Pacific Generation, and To Transfer A Minority Ownership of the Subsidiary.


    May 3, 2024 -PG&E Corporation(PG&E) announced that it has entered into exclusive negotiations to sell a minority interest in Pacific Generation, its generation subsidiary, to KKR’s Infrastructure Strategy.

    As previously announced in September 2022, PG&E is seeking approval to transfer its non-nuclear power generation assets to a newly formed subsidiary, Pacific Generation, and to transfer a minority ownership of the subsidiary. These transactions are still subject to approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), as well as other closing conditions.

  • • The Lifetime of Nuclear Plants Is Growing
    An Aging Nuclear Fleet Can Still Help Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    MIT News

    Apr. 4, 2024 -Aging can be scary. As you get older, you might not be able to do everything you used to, and it can be hard to keep up with the changing times. Just ask nuclear reactors.

    The average age of reactors in nuclear power plants around the world is creeping up. In the US, which has more operating reactors than any other country, the average reactor is 42 years old, as of 2023. Nearly 90% of reactors in Europe have been around for 30 years or more.

  • • What's Happening With Tiny Nuclear?
    Reactors Are Untried, Untested, and Gaining Legions of Fans

    (HEATMAP), Mar. 28, 2024, -When politicians tell the CEO of Radiant Nuclear that they love small modular reactors, he groans inwardly and just keeps smiling.

    Doug Bernauer’s Radiant is not trying to make SMRs. His company — a VC-backed startup currently in the pre-application phase with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission — is designing a portable nuclear microreactor, which is intended to replace diesel generators. The politicians don’t always know the difference, Bernauer said.

  • • Security and Climate Change Drive a Return to Nuclear Energy
    30 Nations Sign Summit Pledge

    AP Logo

    Mar. 21, 2024 - In the shadow of a massive monument glorifying nuclear power, over 30 nations from around the world pledged to use the controversial energy source to help achieve a climate-neutral globe while providing countries with an added sense of strategic security.

    The idea of a Nuclear Energy Summit would have been unthinkable a dozen years ago after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, but the tide has turned in recent years.

  • • U.S. Seeks to Boost Nuclear Power
    This is After Decades of Inertia


    Mar. 1, 2024 -The House this week overwhelmingly passed legislation meant to speed up the development of a new generation of nuclear power plants, the latest sign that a once-contentious source of energy is now attracting broad political support in Washington.

    Click now to read on.

  • • Britain Struggles With Nuclear Power
    The Government Wants More Nuc. Plants to Help Tackle Climate Change, But...


    Feb. 22, 2024 -When a giant yellow crane hoisted the 150-foot-wide concrete-and-steel saucer into place this winter, it signified a milestone for what will be the first commercial nuclear power station built in Britain since the mid-1990s and a flagship in an effort to revive the industry.

    Click now for the rest of the story.

  • • An Electricity Deficit For AI Companies?
    Is Nuclear Energy the Answer?


    Feb. 21, 2024 - In September 2023, Microsoft posted a job listing seeking a program manager to lead their nuclear energy strategy. The company isn’t involved in the defense or power sector, so then why does this tech giant need a nuclear energy expert, and for what?

    Is Microsoft secretly planning to take over the world by going nuclear? Jokes aside, you might be surprised to hear that this tech giant primarily famous for its suite of software products is building its own nuclear energy infrastructure to meet the future power demands of their AI data centers

  • • India Seeks $26 Billion in Private Nuclear Power Investments
    It's Effort to Deal With CO2 Emissions


    Feb. 20, 2024 - India will invite private firms to invest about $26 billion in its nuclear energy sector to increase the amount of electricity from sources that don't produce carbon dioxide emissions, two government sources told Reuters.

    This is the first time New Delhi is pursuing private investment in nuclear power, a non-carbon-emitting energy source that contributes less than 2% of India's total electricity generation. The funding would help India to achieve its target of having 50% of its installed electric generation capacity use non-fossil fuels by 2030, up from 42% now.

  • • How Scientists Reached Nuclear
    Fusion ‘Ignition’ For the First Time
    The 2022 Experiment, Also Revealed a Never-Before-Seen Phenomenon


    Feb. 16, 2024 - One of nuclear fusion’s biggest advances wouldn’t have happened without some impeccable scientific artistry.

    In December 2022, researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California created fusion reactions that produced an excess of energy — a first. In the experiment, 192 lasers blasted a small chamber, setting off fusion reactions — in which smaller atomic nuclei merge to form larger ones — that released more energy than initially kicked them off. It’s a milestone known as “ignition,” and it has been decades in the making.

  • • Is Mini-Nuclear the Way to Go?
    Commission Invites Industry
    to Join Support Platform


    Feb. 9, 2024 - The European Commission has invited interested companies to help "to facilitate and speed up the development, demonstration, and deployment" of small modular nuclear reactors, a fledgling technology it hopes will help the EU achieve its goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

    Click now for the rest of the story.

  • • Radioactive Risks of Toxic Coal Ash
    Environmentalists Are Rattled by It?


    Jan. 24, 2024 -The EPA now recognizes the risks of gamma radiation from radium in coal ash, but many states aren’t even sure where the toxic waste has been used. In Alabama, environmental regulators say they do not track so-called ‘beneficial’ uses of coal ash.

    When the wind blows the wrong direction, Esther Calhoun can smell it.

    Calhoun’s home is often downwind from the Arrowhead Landfill in Uniontown, Alabama, a site that accepted toxic coal ash in the wake of an environmental disaster in neighboring Tennessee.

  • • Nuclear Power Output Expected to Break Global Records in 2025
    Experts Say World is
    ‘Past Peak Fossil Power’


    Jan. 24, 2024 -Nuclear power generation is likely to break records in 2025 as more countries invest in reactors to fuel the shift to a low-carbon global economy, while renewable energy is likely to overtake coal as a power source early next year, data has shown.

    Click now for details.

  • • The Grand Canyon Uranium Deposit
    Operations Will Be Restarting Shorty


    Jan. 19, 2024 -The push for more nuclear energy and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spiked uranium prices, leading mines for the element to begin operating again in the U.S. despite long-term environmental and health impacts.

    Click now for the rest of the story.

  • • Over 20 Nations, Including Japan,
    Call For Tripling of Nuclear Energy
    The Aim is to Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity by 2050 from 2020 Levels.

    Dec. 3, 2023, [thejapantimes] -More than 20 countries, including Japan, called for the tripling of world nuclear energy capacity at U.N. climate talks on Saturday as part of efforts to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

    The remarks, which were made by Al-Jaber during a live online event on Nov. 21, were described as “farcical” by climate scientists.

    A declaration endorsed by nations ranging from South Korea to the United States to Ghana and several European countries said nuclear energy plays a "key role" in reaching the goal of carbon neutrality.

  • • The Deadly Legacy of the US Uranium Boom
    Workers Were Ignorant to the Fact That They Were Poisoning Themselves


    Nov. 20, 2023 -Allen Tsosie was just 14 when he went to work in the uranium mines in the Lukachukai mountains near Cove, Arizona.

    Tsosie was one of thousands of Navajos who took jobs in the mines, starting in the 1940s. They worked without masks or ventilation to disperse the lethal radon gas, and they were never told the rocks they were handling – leetso in the Diné language, or yellow dirt – were deadly.

  • • The Companies Trying to Ignite Fusion Energy
    Start-Ups With Laser Beams:


    Nov. 12, 2023 -Take a smidgen of hydrogen, then blast it with lasers to set off a small thermonuclear explosion. Do it right, and maybe you can solve the world’s energy needs.

    A small group of start-ups has embarked on this quest, pursuing their own variations on this theme — different lasers, different techniques to set off the fusion reactions, different elements to fuse together.

  • • Steps to Avoid a Climate Catastrophe
    US Bets on Small Nuclear Reactors


    Nov. 12, 2023 -Towering over the Savannah River in Georgia, the first nuclear reactors built from scratch in the United States in more than 30 years illustrate the enormous promise of nuclear power — and its most glaring weakness.

    Click now for the whole story.

  • • Nuclear Energy Project in Idaho Is Canceled
    The Struggle
    Attracting New Customers


    Nov. 9, 2023 -A developer of small nuclear reactors announced on Wednesday that it was canceling a project that had been widely expected to usher in a new wave of power plants.

    NuScale Power, a company in Portland, Ore., said it lacked enough subscribers to advance the Carbon-Free Power Project, which had been expected to deliver six of the company’s 77-megawatt reactors. Although more than two dozen utilities had signed up to buy electricity from the reactors, which would be in Idaho, that number fell short of what the company said it needed to move forward.

  • • New Hampshire: Nuclear Vs Renewable Energy
    Advocates Fear that One Group Could Be Pitted Against the Other


    Nov. 6, 2023 -Climate and clean energy advocates in New Hampshire say a pending proposal to define nuclear power as clean energy could undercut solar and wind power in the state.

    Though the details are still in the works, state Rep. Michael Vose, chair of the legislature’s science, technology, and energy committee, is drafting a bill that would allow nuclear power generators, such as New Hampshire’s Seabrook Station, to receive payments for contributing clean energy to the grid.

    • • Making Steel With Nuclear Fusion
      A Futuristic Plan

      Sept. 27, 2023, [MORNINGSTAR] -America's largest steel company is betting nuclear fusion can help it eliminate carbon emissions and power one of the world's most energy-intensive manufacturing processes.

      In a first-of-its-kind partnership between a major industrial company and a fusion startup, Nucor and Helion Energy plan to develop a 500-megawatt fusion power plant that would be placed at one of Nucor's U.S. steel mills by 2030, the companies said.

    • • A Laser Fusion Breakthrough
      It Gets a Bigger Burst of Energy


      Sep. 25, 2023 -In July, scientists at the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California generated a burst of energy by bombarding a pellet of hydrogen with 192 lasers, reproducing for a brief moment the process of fusion that powers the sun.

      It was a repeat of an experiment last December, but this time the scientists generated even more energy with nearly a factor of two in gain compared with the energy of the incoming lasers.

    • • Punishing Japan Over Fukushima Nuclear Water Release
      Chinese Consumers Are Not Happy
      the Rule Now Based on Consumption


      Aug. 29, 2023 -Chinese customers are calling for boycotts of Japanese products from high-end skin-care creams to everyday household goods in retaliation for the release of treated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

      The effort is shaping up to be the largest campaign of state-supported nationalist outrage against Japan in more than a decade and comes at a time of widening divisions between China and U.S.-aligned countries in the region.

    • • Young Climate Activist Tells Greenpeace
      to Drop ‘Old-Fashioned’ Anti-Nuclear Stance
      Swedish Teenager Ia Anstoot Says Group’s ‘Unscientific’ Opposition to EU Nuclear Power Serves Fossil Fuel Interests


      Aug. 29, 2023 -An 18-year-old climate activist has called for Greenpeace to drop its “old-fashioned and unscientific” campaign against nuclear power in the EU.

      In April, the environmental campaign group announced it would appeal against the EU Commission’s decision to include nuclear power in its classification system for sustainable finance. This “taxonomy” is designed as a guide for private investors wanting to fund green projects, aiming to boost environmental investment.

    • • Europe’s Atomic Reactors are Getting Old
      Can They Bridge the Gap to an Emissions-Free Future?


      Aug. 22, 2023 -Shaken by the loss of Russian natural gas since the invasion of Ukraine, European countries are questioning whether they can extend the lives of their ageing nuclear reactors to maintain the supply of affordable, carbon-free electricity — but national regulators, companies and governments disagree on how long the atomic plants can be safely kept running.

    • • The Nuclear Arms Race’s Legacy at Home:
      Toxic Contamination, Staggering Cleanup Costs and a Culture of Government Secrecy

      The Conversation

      Aug. 1, 2023 - Christopher Nolan’s film “Oppenheimer” has focused new attention on the legacies of the Manhattan Project – the World War II program to develop nuclear weapons. As the anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug. 6 and Aug. 9, 1945, approach, it’s a timely moment to look further at dilemmas wrought by the creation of the atomic bomb.

      The Project spawned a trinity of interconnected legacies. It initiated a global arms race that threatens the survival of humanity and the planet as we know it. It also led to widespread public health and environmental damage from nuclear weapons production and testing. And it generated a culture of governmental secrecy with troubling political consequences.

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Of Interest

  • • Fusion Breakthrough: One
    Step Closer to Solving Key Challenges
    Another Step Towards a
    Working Fusion Reactor

    ZME Science

    Nov. 8, 2021 - In fusion power, two atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. The process takes place in a fusion reactor and, at least in theory, this energy can be harnessed; but the practical aspects are extremely challenging.

    An important problem for fusion reactors is maintaining the plasma core extremely hot (hotter than the surface of the sun), while also safely containing the plasma — something fusion researchers refer to as “core-edge integration”.

  • • Is Thorium the Nuclear Answer?
    Thorium Nuclear Reactors
    Mentioned by Andrew Yang

    Dec. 23, 2019 (energycentral)- Andrew Yang mentioned Thorium Nuclear Reactors as one of the advanced nuclear fission reactor concepts. Yang has also talked about making a prototype thorium reactor by 2027. There is a US startup working on a Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. If Flibe Energy was fully funded then they could build their planned 20-50 MW modular nuclear reactor by 2027. China also has an extensive molten salt and thorium reactor program. It is also possible to have more conventional reactors or pebble bed reactors adapted to use some thorium.

    Yang has proposed nuclear subsidy—$50 billion over five years. If there was that level of subsidy, then the other advanced nuclear projects would complete for it. There would be a lot of push for the molten salt reactors that use Uranium. The Thorcon molten salt reactor seems like a design that could scale to 100 GW per year of construction. In the rest of this article, I will review the status of the US, China and Indian Thorium reactor projects.

  • • TerraPower: Nuclear Innovation
    (Striving to Improve the World)
    We Need Advanced Nuclear Now
    TeraPower Says It's Rready

    TeraPower-TerraPower’s founders entered the nuclear energy arena to meet growing electricity needs and lift billions out of poverty. Advanced reactors and other isotopic applications are now possible with technology and enhanced computing capabilities that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. TerraPower says that they are ready to build the clean energy of tomorrow - today.

    One of their founders, incidentally, is Bill Gates.

  • •  The Hanford Nuclear Leak Is Irreparable  
    D.O.E. To Permanently
    Close Damaged Hanford Tank

    Jan. 2, 2018 - The Energy Department says it will permanently close a damaged radioactive waste storage tank on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

    The department says that Tank AY-102 has widespread damage and should not be repaired.

    Click now for more on this earthFix story.

  • •  The U.S. Backs Off Nukes - But Not Georgia 
    The U.S. Backs Off Nuclear
    Power. Georgia Wants to
    Keep Building Reactors

    Aug. 31, 2017,  The New York Times - Even as the rest of the United States backs away from nuclear power, utilities in Georgia are pressing ahead with plans to build two huge reactors in the next five years — the only nuclear units still under construction nationwide.

  • • Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon?
    Keeping Uranium Mining
    Out of the Grand Canyon

    The Grand Canyon is an irreplaceable natural treasure. Its stunning vistas, ancient geology, and winding Colorado River are world renowned — drawing over 5.5 million visitors to the park each year. Moreover, more than 40 million people and 4 million acres of farmland depend on the Colorado River for clean, safe water.

    Yet, irresponsibly operated uranium mines located on federal public land just miles from the North and South Rims threaten to permanently pollute the Grand Canyon landscape and the greater Colorado River.

  • • What's the NRC Hiding on Palo Verde?
    Nuclear Leaks: The Back Story
    the NRC Doesn’t Want You to
    Know about Palo Verde

    June 14,2017 - One of two emergency diesel generators (EDGs) for the Unit 3 reactor at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station in Arizona was severely damaged during a test run on December 15, 2016.

    The operating license issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) allowed the reactor to continue running for up to 10 days with one EDG out of service. Because the extensive damage required far longer than 10 days to repair, the owner asked the NRC for permission to continue operating Unit 3 for up to 62 days with only one EDG available. The NRC approved that request.

  • • The USA's 10 Riskiest Nuclear Power Plants 
    Where Are They - And
    What Are the Dangers?

    March 18, 2011 - As we watch the continuing catastrophe in Japan unfold with no clear expectations of the outcome, one thing is for certain: The safety of nuclear power has become a hot topic of conversation. While some countries are shutting down plants, many other are reevaluating the safety of theirs and strategizing over future plans.

  • • Ohio House Speaker Arrested for Bribery
    The Speaker and Four Others
    Were Attempting to Bail
    Out the Ohio Nuclear Industry

    July 21, 2020,(POWERGRID INTERNATIONAL)-The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a taxpayer-funded bailout of Ohio’s two nuclear power plants.

    Hours after FBI agents raided Speaker Larry Householder’s farm, U.S. Attorney David DeVillers described the ploy as “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the state of Ohio.”

    Householder was one of the driving forces behind the nuclear plants’ financial rescue, which added a new fee to every electricity bill in the state and directed over $150 million a year through 2026 to the plants near Cleveland and Toledo.

  • • Is The Energy of the Future Finally Here?
    World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion
    Experiment Clears Milestone

    July 24, 2019,(Scientific American) -A multination project to build a fusion reactor cleared a milestone yesterday and is now 6 ½ years away from “First Plasma,” officials announced.

    Yesterday, dignitaries attended a components handover ceremony at the construction site of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in southern France. The ITER project is an experiment aimed at reaching the next stage in the evolution of nuclear energy as a means of generating emissions-free electricity.

  • • Old Nuke Plants Are Dragging Down Clean Energy
    Why America’s Old Nuclear
    Plants Could Be Dragging Down
    Clean Energy Development

    Apr. 25, 2017 -New York and Illinois are investing billions to keep old facilities in action, and Connecticut, New Jersey, and Ohio are among states contemplating the same idea. It’s an expensive process, though it does mean that new natural gas plants aren’t required to fill the gaps left by wind and solar.

  • • Revisiting the Three Mile Island Meltdown 
    Documentary:Meltdown at Three
    Mile Island 40 Years Later

    EnergyCentral Mar. 28, 2019 -The Three Mile Island accident on March 28, 1979 is still considered the worst at a U.S. nuclear plant in history. Due to a series of human and technical errors, the core of the Unit Two reactor at TMI partially melted down.

    Though debated and controversial, research over the past 40 years concluded only a small amount of radiation escaped into the atmosphere and didn’t result in any deaths or injuries.

    This documentary details what happened inside the containment building at TMI on March 28: the chaos, confusion, miscommunication and fear in the area surrounding the plant afterwards and the legacy of TMI after the accident.

  • • British Nuclear Project Becomes Messy
    Huge British Nuclear
    Project Becomes a
    Diplomatic Flash Point

    Aug. 15, 2016 -Once considered a vital part of Britain’s clean-energy future, the beleaguered Hinkley Point nuclear plant project looked further than ever from becoming reality this week as a row erupted between the three countries developing the massive facility: the U.K., France, and China.

  • •  Does Fail-safe Nuclear Power Actually Exist?   
    Could We Actually Have
    Fail-safe Nuclear Power?

    Aug. 2, 2016 -The Shanghai Institute’s effort to develop molten-salt reactors, a technology that has sat all but forgotten in the United States for decades, reflects just how daring China’s nuclear ambitions are. Already, the government has invested some two billion Chinese renminbi ($300 million) over the last five years in molten-salt R&D. Building actual plants will require tens of billions more.

  • •  Florida Power & Light Sued For Radio-Active Leak 
    Florida Nuclear
    Plant Operator Sued for
    Polluting Drinking Water

    July 15, 2016 -Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against Florida Power & Light Co., operator of the Turkey Point nuclear facility, saying that the company violated the Clean Water Act by discharging contaminants from the plant, impacting nearby drinking water.

    Click now to read the story
    (Hint: Bring your Geiger Counter).

  • • The Protrusion of Confusion Over Fusion
    The Real Problem With
    Fusion Energy

    May 27, 2016 -The longstanding joke about fusion — that it’s the energy source of the future, and always will may not be the field’s biggest problem.

    Click now for what
    might be encouraging news.

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  • • All Things Nuclear
    Fukushima: Taking On the NRC

    Union of Concerned Scientists - If the Nuclear Regulatory Commission balks at implementing new safeguards in a reasonable time frame on the grounds that it does not have enough information about what happened in Japan, then the agency also cannot have enough information to relicense operating reactors or license new ones...

    More by clicking now.

  • • Russia Criticized For Its Arctic Nuclear Activity
    Nuclear Security: Power
    Plants Are Poorly Protected
    Against Malicious Acts

    Oct. 10, 2017   Greenpeace - The nuclear power plants around us are “The Sword of Damocles” over our heads.

    A new report by independent experts, submitted to authorities in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg, questions security at French and Belgian nuclear facilities and points at their vulnerability to outside attacks. These experts are particularly concerned about a certain type of facility at nuclear plants: the spent fuel storage pools.

    These pools tend to contain the highest volume of radioactive matter in a nuclear plant and are very poorly protected. Rather than wait for the worst to happen, let’s address this issue and take action.

  • • Dangers of Densely Packed Nuclear Waste Pools
    The Case for Moving U.S.
    Nuclear Fuel to Dry Storage

    Apr. 14, 2011   M.I.T. Technology Review - One of the lesser-noted facts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster—where loss of coolant in spent-fuel pools has resulted in massive radiation releases—is that some fuel at the plant was stored in so-called dry casks, and these casks survived the March 11 earthquake and tsunami intact.

    This fact is likely to result in new calls to move some spent fuel out of water pools at reactor sites in the United States—where it is packed more densely than the fuel in the stricken Japanese pools—and into outdoor dry casks, experts say.

    Worried? Click now to get radio-active.

  • • Links Between Nuke Power and Weapons
    The Links Between Nuclear
    Power and Nuclear Weapons

    - Nuclear weapons and nuclear power share several common features. The long list of links includes their histories, similar technologies, skills, health and safety aspects, regulatory issues and radiological research and development. For example, the process of enriching uranium to make it into fuel for nuclear power stations is also used to make nuclear weapons. Plutonium is a by-product of the nuclear fuel cycle and is still used by some countries to make nuclear weapons.

    There is a danger that more nuclear power stations in the world could mean more nuclear weapons. Because countries like the UK are promoting the expansion of nuclear power, other countries are beginning to plan for their own nuclear power programs too. But there is always the danger that countries acquiring nuclear power technology may subvert its use to develop a nuclear weapons program.

    Click to read more from
    the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Decades have passed since the • first power plant of this type went on line, and no viable solution for the storage of this contaminant has yet to emerge.

Industry spokespersons have long touted nuclear energy as cost-effective when compared to fossil based fuels, but their conclusions fail to consider the cost of • decommissioning a plant when it has reached its maturity.

Recent studies have revealed that greenhouse gasses resulting from nuclear power may
be even higher that those produced from the burning of natural gas (• latest findings).
• U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Locations
• Worldwide Nuclear Leaks

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