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  • Global Wind Day
    Global Wind Has Its Day

    (Wikipedia) -Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on June 15th. It is organized by WindEurope and GWEC. It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to change the world.

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    Site Updated:
    July 19, 2024

      Windpower MonthlyClick the logo above to read the latest windpower news stories from this monthly magazine.

    Wind Power Stories -Recently Published
    (Latest News First)

    • • A Giant Offshore Wind Turbine
      Blade Breaks, Prompting Beach Closures
      It’s Unclear Why a Blade From One of the Vineyard Wind Turbines Broke Into Pieces, Which Are Washing Up On Nantucket Beaches


      July 16, 2024 Debris from a damaged wind turbine blade has been washing up on the shores of Nantucket, Mass., prompting the closure of several beaches to swimmers and spurring an investigation into what caused the mishap.

      The damage to the blade occurred on Saturday evening at Vineyard Wind, the country’s second large-scale offshore wind farm, which is 14 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

    • • Is US Offshore Wind Dead in the Water?
      Or Just Poised for the Next Big Gust?


      May 31, 2024 -In the early 2000s, a long-time Louisiana engineer and entrepreneur thought it would be natural for the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico to expand into offshore wind. The industry could use the same workforce, the same shipyards and possibly even the same platforms to generate renewable power.

      With designs, data and offshore leases from Texas, Herman Schellstede and his team planned to build a 62-turbine wind farm off Galveston’s coast— one of the first such proposals in the United States and the first in the Gulf of Mexico.

    • • U.S. Wind Generation Falls for First Time Since 1990s
      This Based on an EIA Report


      Apr. 30, 2024 -Wind turbine generation in the U.S. declined in 2023, the first time since the mid-1990s, even with the addition of 6.2 GW of new wind capacity, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

      Data from EIA’s Power Plant Operations Report show that U.S. wind generation in 2023 totaled 425,235 GWh, 2.1% less than the 434,297 GWh generated in 2022. EIA says that the 2023 decline indicates that wind as a generation source is maturing after decades of “rapid growth.”

    • • Biden-Harris Administration Approves
      Seventh Offshore Wind Project
      Sunrise Wind Project Will
      Power More Than 320,000 Homes

      (US Dept of the Interior), Mar. 26, 2024, The Biden-Harris administration today announced the Department of the Interior’s approval of the Sunrise Wind offshore wind project – the nation’s seventh approval of a commercial-scale offshore wind project under President Biden’s leadership. These seven projects have the potential to provide more than 8 gigawatts of clean, renewable energy to power roughly 3 million homes, and support the Administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030.

      Click now to read on.

    • • Wind Turbines Don’t Really Affect Property Values in the US
      A Popular Argument Against Wind Power Flies Out the Window


      Mar. 18, 2024 -This opposition can be a strong impediment to renewable energy development, so it’s worth addressing. That’s why an international team of scientists from the German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the Italian Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) and the University of California, Berkeley analyzed the majority of home sales in the U.S. in the last 23 years.

      Click new read on.

    • • A Beachgoer's Wind Farm
      New Jersey OKs Two
      New Offshore Wind Farms


      Jan. 25, 2024 -Stung by the pullout of the world’s largest offshore wind developer from two projects off the New Jersey coast last fall, state energy regulators on Wednesday approved two new wind farm projects, saying they remain committed to making the state a leader in the nascent industry.

      Both the projects chosen by the state Board of Public Utilities would be considerably farther offshore than earlier projects that generated significant opposition from onshore communities, one of whose concerns was that the turbines would be visible on the horizon from the beach.

    • • Gone With the Wind?
      Tracking Sunken U.S.
      Offshore Wind Projects


      Jan. 8, 2024 -Many renewable energy sectors continued to grow in 2023, but it was a rough year for U.S. offshore wind.

      Out with the old, in with the new, right? Not quite.

      Just days into 2024, and Equinor announced the termination of Empire Wind 2, and that got us thinking- how many similar projects have met an equally untimely demise?

    • • Delaware Officials Submit Report Exploring Offshore Wind
      Let’s See Where
      the Breeze Blows Us:


      Jan. 4, 2024 -Delaware officials have presented a report to Governor John Carney and other state lawmakers that explores offshore wind procurement for the state. It includes recommendations on maintaining flexibility, minimizing environmental impacts, and potential areas for wind power development.

      The report, Proposed Offshore Wind Procurement Strategy for Delaware, reviews changing conditions in the offshore wind industry, identifies key factors in considering the development of an offshore wind program, highlights important developments looming in 2024 that will affect planning, and offers recommendations on how to structure an offshore wind procurement strategy to meet Delaware’s needs.

    • • Two large Offshore Wind Sites are Sending Power to the US Grid
      This is a First in the USA

      AP Logo

      Jan. 3, 2024 -TFor the first time in the United States, turbines are sending electricity to the grid from the sites of two large offshore wind farms.

      The joint owners of the Vineyard Wind project, Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, announced Wednesday the first electricity from one turbine at what will be a 62-turbine wind farm 15 miles (24 kilometers) off the coast of Massachusetts.

    • • The Largest Clean Energy Project in U.S. History
      SunZia to Supply 3,000 MW of Clean energy to Arizona and California


      Jan. 2, 2024 -They say good things come to those who wait. Clean energy customers in the Southwest are about to put that adage to the test.

      After more than 17 years of navigating permits and approvals, Pattern Energy Group has closed $11 billion in non-recourse financing and started full construction of SunZia Transmission and SunZia Wind. The tandem is being billed by the company as the largest clean energy infrastructure project in U.S. history.

    • • Contrary to Politicians’ Claims,
      Offshore Wind Farms Don’t Kill Whales
      What Fossil Fuel
      Supporters Want You to Think

      AP Logo

      Dec. 23, 2023 - Unfounded claims about offshore wind threatening whales have surfaced as a flashpoint in the fight over the future of renewable energy.

      In recent months, conservatives including former President Trump have claimed construction of offshore wind turbines is killing the giant animals.

      Scientists say there is no credible evidence linking offshore wind farms to whale deaths. But that hasn’t stopped conservative groups and ad hoc “not in my back yard”-style anti-development groups from making the connection.

    • • Louisiana's First Offshore Wind Agreements
      Just Announced By the Governor


      Dec. 19, 2023 -Governor John Bel Edwards and Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Secretary Tom Harris announced that the State Mineral and Energy Board approved the state’s first-ever wind operating agreements in state offshore waters at its December meeting.

      The board gave the nod to a 6,162-acre property agreement for Diamond Offshore Wind Louisiana (DOW Wind) off the coast of Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes and a 59,653-acre agreement for Cajun Wind off the coast of Cameron Parish...

    • • South Fork Wind Sends First
      Commercial Wind Power onto US grid
      This Occured Decades
      After Europe Approved Theirs


      Dec. 6, 2023 -Off the coast of eastern Long Island, an 800-foot tall turbine has begun sending electricity onto the U.S. grid from what’s set to be the country’s first commercial offshore wind farm.

      It’s a milestone many years in the making and at the same time a modest advance in what experts say needs to be a major buildout of this type of clean electricity to address climate change.

    • • The Value of Liquid Air Energy Storage
      Ørsted, Highview Power Say How


      Dec. 4, 2023 -Highview Power and Ørsted have completed a joint investigation into how combining the technologies of liquid air energy storage (LAES) and offshore wind could provide greater value for investors and consumers.

      The two companies carried out an analysis of technical performance, route to planning approval, and route to market with a regulatory and economic assessment. They say there is added value in combining offshore wind with LAES to support reducing wind curtailment, increasing productivity, and helping the move to a more flexible, resilient zero-carbon grid.

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    Of Interest

    • • Windpower From Kite Turbines
      Low-Cost Renewable Energy
      Concept For Wind Turbines

      May, 2021, (SOLARIMPULSE FOUNDATION)-Using kites flying at higher altitudes, the kite turbines are accessing better wind resources. They provide clean energy in a more stable pattern than other renewable energy solutions. Thanks to the kite principle, they require 90% less material resources and hence they are more economically attractive. Kite turbines take off like drones using four propellers.

    • • We Can Now 3D Print Wind Turbine Blades
      GE Awarded DoE Grant
      to Research That Technology

      Feb. 8, 2021 (Renewable Energy World)-GE Research, GE Renewable Energy, and LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy business were recently selected by the US Department of Energy (DoE) to research the design and manufacture of 3D printed wind turbine blades.

      The GE business units will partner with the Oakridge National Lab and the National Renewable Energy Lab on a 25-month $6.7 million project to develop and demonstrate an integrated additive manufacturing process for novel high-performance blade designs for the future of large rotors.

    • • All About Wind Energy (Free Download)
      The Facts About Wind Energy

      Climate Reality Project - For thousands of years, people across the globe have harnessed the power of wind in one way or another – whether to pump water, grind grain, or propel boats. But today, wind has become a powerful way of generating electricity. And better yet, it’s renewable and doesn’t pollute the air we breathe.

      Cities, states, countries, and companies around the world are increasingly turning to wind energy to power our world. But, thanks to Big Polluters, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. In this e-book, we set the story straight and give you the facts so you know what to say the next time you hear a Big Polluter talking point about wind power.

    • • Wind Power Gets Its Day In the Sun
      Vestas and EDPR Install
      Single-Converter Wind-Solar Hybrid

      Mar. 28, 2018 - The two companies installed the demonstrator – which consists of a V112-3.0MW turbine and a new 372kW solar PV array – at EDPR’s Janda III wind farm in Cádiz, south-west Spain.

      Power from the solar PV panels is fed to the turbine as direct current, which is then converted and transformed by the turbine’s power conversion system, which Vestas upgraded especially for the project, to export power to the grid.

      By connecting wind and solar through the turbine’s electronics and using its full-scale converter, the number of converters is reduced, the two companies explained.

    • • The Advantages of Off-Shore Wind
      Study Finds Offshore
      Wind Farms Have Powerful
      Advantage Over Land Turbines

      Oct. 9, 2017  Floating wind turbines at sea could create up to three times as much electricity as turbines on land, increasing the energy potential for a technology that has yet to be proven at scale, a new study suggests.

    • • Hornsea Project Two (HP2)
      (Right Off the Yorkshire Coast)
      Hornsea Project Two, North Sea

      Sep. 19, 2017  (Power Technology) — Hornsea Project Two (HP2) is being constructed within the Hornsea Zone of the North Sea, UK. With a total capacity of approximately 1.4GW, the wind farm is expected to be the largest of its kind worldwide.

      Project developer Ørsted (previously Dong Energy) gained the rights to the project in August 2015 through the acquisition of SMartWind, a 50:50 joint venture (JV) between Mainstream Renewable Power and Siemens Financial Services.

      The scoping report for the project was completed in 2012. The consent application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for examination in January 2015 and completed in March 2016.

    • • What the Top of a Turbine Look Like
      SOn Top of a Wind Turbine, or On Top of the World

      Apr. 25, 2017  -Stand atop a wind turbine and you get some powerful perspective. When you’re 280 feet off the ground, your feet clinging to the deck, the breeze blowing past, you’ve got a clear view of the power of wind energy. Wath the video.

    • • Nearly Half of Danish Power Comes From Wind
      Over 47% of Their Energy was
      Generated by Wind Turbines in 2019

      Jan. 3, 2020(CleanTechnica),- Power generated by wind turbines at sea increased to 18% last year from 14% in 2018, while onshore wind accounted for 29%.

      Denmark is a world leader in renewable energy and is way ahead of its nearest rival Ireland, which generated 28 per cent of its energy from wind in 2018.

      Click now for the story.
    • • A New Approach to Capture
      the Power of Offshore Wind
      It's Called “Wind Catching”

      June 2, 2021, (WindCatching.com)-Designed to optimize energy production for a floating wind power plant for easy operations and maintenance.

      • Elevator based turbine installation – all heavy operations performed on deck

      • No need for specialized vessels or cranes

      • 50 year design life

      • Power to X – production and storage

    • • Robotic Wind Blade Repair
      BladeBUG Inspects, Resurfaces, and
      Repairs Wind Turbine Blades Remotely

      (CleanTechnica),Here’s a story about a tiny little bit of technology that could have a significant impact on renewable energy, particularly wind turbines. Efficiency is a big deal in the world of wind and solar energy. Dust, dirt, pollen and bird droppings can reduce the efficiency of solar panels, so people have invented ways to wash them in order to keep them producing electricity as efficiently as possible.

      Wind turbines have blades that can be hundreds of feet long and weigh thousands of pounds. Not only do they operate high up in the air, many are located miles offshore where accessing them is both difficult and hazardous.

    • • It's a Breeze for Dutch Trains
      Dutch Trains Are World's First
      to Run on 100% Wind Power

      Jan. 16, 2017  -The Netherlands, aka Windmill Country, is now operating 100 percent of its electric trains with wind energy.

    • • Wind Systems Trends to Watch
      Advanced Blade Pitch
      Systems Trends to Watch

      Dec.5, 2016  -The latest developments in blade pitch technology have opened new opportunities for wind turbine manufacturers. We will look at five key trends of this rapidly evolving technology and three important insights to keep in mind to make wise pitch system decisions, avoid pitfalls, and choose the right pitch partner.

    • • Wind Farm Like Ivory Soap
      SOffshore Wind Farms See
      Promise in Platforms That Float

      Sept.29, 2016  The sun was beating down on the leafy campus of the University of Maine one afternoon last month. But inside a hangarlike laboratory, a miniature hurricane was raging.

    • • Scottish Wind: (Bagpipes Not Included)
      SAmerica’s First Offshore Wind
      Farm May Power Up a New Industry

      Aug. 22, 2016  The idea of building turbines offshore, where strong, steady wind could, in theory, generate large amounts of power, has long been seen as a vital step toward a future based on renewable energy.

    • • High-Speed Wind Turbine Assembly
      Right Before Your Eyes
      Video by Mid-American Energy

      Enjoy this high-speed video showing the assembly of a giant wind turbine.

    • • How Wind Turbines Work
      What You Need to Know

      July 23, 2021 (ZME Science) -They look like airplane propellers running circles on the spot, spinning round and round all day long. Wind turbines take the kinetic energy from the wind and use their giant rotors to capture some of it turn it into electricity, and they may play a key role in saving us from catastrophic climate change. Let’s take a closer look at how wind turbines actually work.

      Wind turbines are based on a simple principle, in essence: the wind turns the blades, which causes the axis to rotate, which is attached to a generator, which produces electricity. The stronger the wind, the more electricity is generated. That’s why we usually see industrial-scale wind farms with high towers and large blades across the world: larger blades can gather more power and are more efficient. But while the basic principle is simple, the technology is complex.

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    8 MW Turbines

    Adwen Logo
    Adwen’s AD 5-135 turbine obtaind the first Type Certificate based on the Guideline for the Certification of Offshore Wind Turbines, Edition 2012 issued by DNV GL. This new guideline updates the previous version from 2005 to fully comply with GL’s Guideline for Onshore Wind Turbines, edition 2010, and to cover IEC 61400, parts 1 and 3.


    energy storage

    AES Logo
    AES Energy Storage is a subsidiary of The AES Corporation, a company that has served utility customers around the world for more than 30 years, helping them to deliver safe, reliable power.

    First Wind

    Their slogan is, "Clean Energy Made Here"

    First Wind Logo
    First Wind is an independent North American wind energy company exclusively focused on the development, financing, construction, ownership and operation of utility-scale wind energy projects in the United States.  Based in Boston, First Wind has developed and operates 875 megawatts (MW) of generating capacity at 15 wind energy projects in Maine, New York, Vermont, Utah and Hawaii.  First Wind is also currently managing the construction of an additional project with 105 MW of generation capacity.

    GE’s Haliade-X Offshore Wind Turbine

    Prototype Operating at 13 MW


    Rotterdam, October 22nd 2020 -- GE Renewable Energy announced today that its Haliade-X prototype, the world’s most powerful wind turbine operating to date, has been optimized and is now operating at a 13 MW power output. The prototype will undergo a series of tests to perform different types of measurements and obtain its type certificate in the coming months.
    The Haliade-X 13 MW, which is an uprated version of the prototype that has been successfully operating in Rotterdam since November 2019, recently secured its provisional type certificate§ and set a new world record by generating 288 MWh in one single day.
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    Helix Wind

    Small is Beautiful:
    Helix Power Sees a
    Small Wind Turbine On Every Rooftop

    Helix Wind Logo
    While many companies are still pursuing big centralized wind farm projects, such as the one near Palm Springs, CA, there’s also a movement to install smaller wind turbines in backyards and on rooftops.
    Scott Weinbrandt spent 25 years working in computer technology, including 10 years as an executive at Dell, the direct-sales computer giant, as well as time as a senior vice president at Gateway, the onetime San Diego computer maker that is now part of Acer. During that time, the computer industry moved from centralized mainframes to distributed personal computers.


    Off-Shore Wind Energy Platforms

    Nenuphar Logo
    Nenuphar Better balance: Vertical-axis wind turbines, like this dry-land prototype developed by Nenuphar, could make offshore wind more economical. Credit: Nenuphar Wind turbines attached to floating buoys can harness stronger, more sustained winds in the open ocean.
    But the floats now used for such deep-water installations may prove prohibitively expensive because the buoys needed to keep them above water are enormous. Now a project in France is turning the turbine design on its head for what developers hope will be a low-cost alternative.
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    New Wind

    New Wind Wind Generators
    Wind power is a 2.0 by NewWind power generation system in the form of tree whose leaves act like so many mini wind turbines. Taking advantage of the lower air flow, it can operate all types of wind 360 ° turbulent and laminar, urban and natural environment. His design of biomimetic inspiration allows seamless integration into all types of landscape, whether urban or rural. All the technology is invisible; no cables or apparent generators, everything is integrated in the branches and trunks. The silence of operation vertical axis cancels the noise of traditional wind turbines.





    Wind Turbines With Fewer Parts

    Siemans Logo
    Demand for clean power generation is growing.
    With highly efficient, robust and reliable wind turbines, Siemens has a demonstrated history in delivering proven solutions to onshore, coastal and offshore sites. Siemens Wind Power’s service team is dedicated to keeping the turbines running optimally throughout their entire lifecycle. Siemens also offers integrated solutions and services that meet the demands of the entire wind energy conversion chain.
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    Vestas Wind

    Vespa Low Wind Turbine
    Vestas launches new V126-3.0 MW turbine with structural shell blade design.
    The turbine is the latest variant of the 3 MW platform on which the V112-3.0 MW is built. Vestas will continue to optimise this platform in order to offer further options to the customers.


    Vortex Bladeless

    Vortex Bladeless Logo
    A technological leap forward and a revolution in wind energy. A more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to produce energy.




    Vortex Bladeless LogoWomen of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy

    Answering a call for representation for women across all sectors of renewable energy, the nonprofit organization Women of Wind Energy (WoWE) has formally changed its name.